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On Friday, February 21, 2020, Fanshawe College signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the 4th Canadian Division of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Canadian Armed Forces insigniaThe MOU will allow Fanshawe and the CAF to develop a framework that will: support military personnel who are currently studying at the College; provide heightened awareness to students about careers in the CAF; and support military members and veterans who are transitioning from active service through advanced standing in an academic program by recognizing their military training and experience. It has been created to provide students, members of the CAF and veterans with career opportunities and additional supports for transition.

Those enrolled in the program will receive individualized support and advising from Fanshawe staff trained to provide specialized military support. These students will gain leadership recognition on their co-curricular transcript resulting from a combination of their military training and co-curricular activities at Fanshawe.

Upon graduation, a Leadership notation will be made on their credential and recognized as part of the graduation ceremony.

Colonel Jason Guiney and Fanshawe President Peter Devlin sign an MOU
Front row, left to right: Colonel Jason Guiney of the Canadian Armed Forces and Fanshawe President Peter Devlin sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The back row features: Pte Renee White, 31 Service Battalion; Pte Garrett McFadden, 1st Hussars; Cpl Bartosz Malinowski, 1st Hussars, local Canadian Army Reserve soldiers from 31 Canadian Brigade Group, based in London.

The agreement was signed by Fanshawe President Peter Devlin and CAF Colonel Jason Guiney, on behalf of Brigadier-General Conrad Mialkowski, Commander of the 4th Canadian Division/Joint Task Force Central.

“As Canadians, we are grateful to those who are and have served and sacrificed for our country, preserving and protecting the freedoms we enjoy today,” says Fanshawe President Peter Devlin. “Here at Fanshawe, we are pleased to offer our support and to provide a welcoming campus with services and resources available to meet the unique needs of military personnel.”

“Members of the Canadian Armed Forces possess specialized military knowledge and skills acquired through education, training and experience,” says Brigadier-General Conrad Mialkowski, Commander 4th Canadian Division/Joint Task Force Central. “This partnership with Fanshawe College, a well-recognized institution, will provide our military members with the opportunity to enrich their skills and knowledge while deepening their relationships with the community.”

For further information, please visit Fanshawe's media contact page.

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