Fanshawe Partners with Places4Students Inc.
Fanshawe has partnered with Places4Students Inc. to provide an online collection of numerous housing options. Places4Students provides students, schools and landlords with the highest quality, off-campus housing service. The website provides a large real-time database for student housing vacancies in each of our campus communities, including photos and text, contact information and property features. For customer support, contact admin@places4students.com or call 1-866-766-0767, Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. or Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m..
Rental Listing Search for Students
Places4students is working hard to populate listings as quickly as possible to help students find housing in time. Register your account today, using your fanshaweonline.ca email address (your WebAdvisor username + @fanshaweonline.ca) and set your listing preferences to be notified as new listings are added!
Did you know you can also post a FREE roommate or sublet advertisement on Places4Students? Download on the Apple App Store to get started.
Property owners
Places4students offers many services to property owners so you can create your rental listing at no charge to you. Features include:
- Google-mapping capabilities
- Up-to-date database that is real-time 24/7
- Descriptive listings with photos, amenity icons and floor plans to advertise your property most effectively
- Quick search capabilities allow students to sort listings by price, preferred features and specific requirements
- Live customer support (toll-free) or “help” link online
- No charges for creating your rental listings
Housing Mediation Services
Fanshawe’s Mediation Services is a free confidential resource that seeks to assist in the speedy resolution of problems that may arise between students and landlords, students and London residents and/or students and students in the areas of housing and lifestyles.
Renting Resources
For more information:
Jason Galindo
Email: offcampushousing@fanshawec.ca
Phone: 519-452-4430 x16913
Location: F3020