Welcome to Fanshawe!

Navigating your campus

It’s your first day at Fanshawe. Aside from the natural excitement and anticipation, there is the very daunting challenge of navigating the campus. As a first step, make a transportation plan. Know where the parking lots are found or where public transit will drop you off. Detailed campus maps, which include all parking lots, can be found on the Maps, Directions & Parking page. Your campus may have coin lots, visitor meter parking, require permits or offer free parking. 

First days of class


It’s important to make a connection with students at the beginning of a new term. Consider showing up early and greeting each student individually. You can also try an icebreaker to help students get to know one another. Perhaps plan some engaging activities to help alleviate any first-day jitters (the students are stressed too) and to create a positive learning environment.

Below are a few links that provide some ideas on how to approach your first day of classes at Fanshawe.

10 Ideas for a Great First Day of Class (in-person)

Make the Most of the First Day of Class

Icebreakers for the College ClassroomFive Ways to Make Online Classrooms Interactive


What is FanshaweOnline?


Fanshawe College offers courses in a number of delivery modes, including face-to-face, fully online, and blended - which is a combination of online and in-class instruction. Regardless of delivery, all courses use an online learning platform called FanshaweOnline or FOL for short.

FOL is your one-stop tool for communicating with students, posting course announcements, and tracking student grades. To learn more about using FOL, or to take advantage of training opportunities, visit the FanshaweOnline and Technology page.


Student Supports


Fanshawe offers a multitude of services to assist all of our students. Follow this link to learn about college supports and how to refer students.

Student Services


Active Learning

Active learning


Now that students are engaged and ready to learn, it’s now time for… a 90 minute lecture??? While lecturing is a comfortable fall-back for many instructors, and, to be fair, an essential tactic when used effectively, it isn’t the most effective means for engaging students. On average, students only retain about 10% of information when they are passive listeners. Students retain far more information when they are active participants in the learning process. Consider breaking up your lecture with small-group activities, checks for understanding, or collaborative exercises.  To learn more about active learning strategies, see the Student Engagement through Active Learning page.


Student Engagement

Student Engagement


What does engagement do to a learner? How can I engage my students? Find some insight here. 

Student Engagement through Active Learning


Academic Integrity
End of Semester


Don't wait until the last minute to know what you have to do at the end of a semester. Here are some relevant resources for you.

Academic Calendars

Grades, grade transfer and submission


