Fanshawe College has developed pathway partnerships with the following English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs across Canada. Students who meet Fanshawe’s admission requirements, but who lack sufficient language proficiency, can be issued a conditional Letter of Admission to a program of their choice.
Bayswater students who are referred to Fanshawe College for admission into Fanshawe College Certificate (non-Graduate) and Diploma programs (excluding health programs): Completion of Level 9 English with 2 academic prep modules (276 hours of instruction) with a minimum grade of 80%
To be eligible for admission into Fanshawe College Graduate Certificate and Degree programs: Completion of Level 10 English with 2 academic prep modules (324 hours of instruction) with a minimum grade of 80%
Students must meet all other admission requirements as necessary.
BLI students who are referred to Fanshawe College for admission into Fanshawe College Certificate (non-Graduate) and Diploma programs (excluding health programs): Completion of C1-2 with a minimum grade of 80%
To be eligible for admission into Fanshawe College Graduate Certificate and Degree programs (at Fanshawe College): completion of C1-3 with a minimum of 80%
Students must meet all other admission requirements as necessary.
Students who complete Level 7 of the ICEAP EAP program will be admitted to their Fanshawe College certificate, diploma, or advanced diploma program without further language testing.
Students who complete Level 7 of the ICEAP EAP program, with a minimum completion score of 80%will be admitted to their Fanshawe College degree or post-graduate program without further language testing.
Fanshawe College will consider ILAC students who have completed the University Pathway Program 3.2 for direct entry into Fanshawe College's academic certificate and diploma programs, and the University Pathway Program 3.3 for degree and post-graduate programs. Due to industry requirements in Health Care and other fields, some programs will require an appropriate official IELTS, TOEFL, or other standardized English proficiency test. (effective May 2020)
ILSC Language Schools
ILSC students who are referred to Fanshawe College for certificate and diploma programs, (excluding health programs), and who have successfully completed ILSC University Pathway Program - Level A1 will not be required to produce further evidence of English language proficiency.
ILSC students who are referred to Fanshawe College for graduate certificate programs and have successfully completed the ILSC University Pathway Program – Level A2 will not be required to produce further evidence of English language proficiency.
ILSC students who are referred to Fanshawe College for degree programs and have successfully completed the ILSC University Pathway Program – Level A2 with a grade of A (80%-100%) will not be required to produce further evidence of English language proficiency.
Quest Language Studies (Quest)
Quest students who are referred to Fanshawe College for certificate (non-Graduate) and diploma programs, excluding health programs and who have successfully completed Quest’s Academic Pathway Program – Level 8 with 70% will not be required to produce further evidence of English language proficiency.
Quest students who are referred to Fanshawe College for graduate certificate programs, degree programs (at Fanshawe College) and who have successfully completed Quest’s Academic Pathway Program - Level 9 with 80% will not be required to produce further evidence of English language proficiency.
The Language Gallery (TLG)
Students who complete Level 5 (with minimum 80%) or Level 6 (with minimum 75%) of the UPP program will be admitted to their Fanshawe College certificate, diploma, or advanced diploma program without further language testing.
Students who complete Level 6 (with minimum 80%) of the UPP program will be admitted to their Fanshawe College degree or post-graduate program without further language testing.