Employment Services
We know finding employment in Canada is important. That’s why Fanshawe makes it easier for students by offering on-site employment services that are at no additional cost to you.
More information on Employment Services
Co-op Education
Co-operative Education, also known as "Co-op," integrates academic learning and paid work experience. Students alternate between academic terms (studying and attending classes) and work terms (at a job site working for a company).
More information about Co-operative Education
Why should I take a co-op program?
- Learn effective job search skills in Canada!
- Gain valuable, hands-on Canadian work experience!
- Develop a network of professionals in your chosen field!
- Earn income between study terms!
How do I apply for a co-op program?
- Obtain a Co-operative Education Work Permit – required to legally work in Canada on your work terms. The permit is only valid for your co-op work terms;
- Obtain a Social Insurance Number (SIN) – required to legally get paid. Visit a Service Ontario location to apply for this number.
Am I guaranteed a co-op job?
No. You must conduct a personal job search to get a co-op job. A co-op work term is different than a placement. The co-op fee that you pay as part of your tuition pays for the services offered through the Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services department to assist you in finding a co-op job, it doesn't pay for a job.
Will I have help to find a co-op job?
Yes. A Co-op Consultant from the Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services department is available to guide and assist you in your job search.
What is expected of me as a co-op student?
You must meet the academic eligibility requirements set for your program. In addition, you must:
- Successfully complete the pre-employment workshop (COOP-1020);
- Conduct your own job search (apply to several relevant jobs to increase your chances for success);
- Successfully complete the health and safety training required;
- Use the services and resources offered through the Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services department.