Please read the following information to understand the incident reporting process and the two types of insurance available to students participating in unpaid work placements. This process is not intended for co-op (paid) students.

The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) streamlined their process and changed documents used for students participating in unpaid placements. View the guidelines.

In case of student injury/disease, while participating in placement activities, the MCU will continue to provide student insurance at no cost to the placement employer. Student claims will be insured in a similar manner as the employer's employee claims; for example, students placed with a WSIB employer will be covered by WSIB insurance and students placed with an employer not registered with WSIB, will be covered by Chubb Insurance. 

Prior to placement, all students participating in an unpaid student placement must sign a WSIB Declaration of Understanding. This declaration is a requirement within the School of Health Sciences pre-placement process, to ensure student acknowledgement that appropriate insurance, as described above, will be provided in the case of a student injury/disease. 

Incident reporting process for students on unpaid work placement

Student Responsibility:

In the event of student injury/disease resulting in medical treatment or lost time, the student must:

  1. Notify his/her placement employer supervisor immediately, receive first aid treatment, and complete the required incident report for the placement employer
  2. Notify his/her placement coordinator immediately, and complete the following documents:

If the student has any questions, the Health Sciences Placement Coordinator can be reached at 226-678-4385

Placement Employer Responsibility:

In event of student injury/disease resulting in medical treatment or lost time, the placement employer must:

  1. Complete the Fanshawe College Incident Report Form within 24 hours of the incident
  2. Complete the new Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim Form
    1. If you are unable to download the fillable pdf version above please click here for a printable version
  3. WSIB placement employer completes the WSIB Letter of Authorization to Represent Placement Employer; OR placement employer not covered by WSIB, Fanshawe College completes the Chubb Insurance Form
  4. Submit the forms to within 3 business days of the date of the incident. The College Return to Work Coordinator will handle the paperwork.

If the placement employer has any questions, the Return to Work Coordinator can be reached at 519-452-4430 x24656


Report an Incident

