Facilities Management and Community Safety is responsible for providing a safe, well-maintained and sustainable learning and working environment. The department oversees campus planning, facilities design and construction, facilities maintenance and operations, as well as safety and emergency management services.


We take the safety of our campuses seriously. Learn more about our security services. You can reach security at the numbers below or by downloading the Fanshawe Stay Safe App


24-hour emergency line for London campus: 519-452-4242

General inquiries and non-emergencies: 519-452-4400

Emergency Management Office

EMO provides emergency management services through the development and implementation of Fanshawe's Emergency Plan, preparedness guidelines, safe work procedures as well as fire and life safety programs.


Fanshawe’s emergency response team considers the needs of all individuals, including those who require accommodations in emergency situations. That’s why the EMO works with staff and students to create personal emergency plans upon request at emo@fanshawec.ca.

Environment, Health, Safety & Emergency Services 

Environment, Health, Safety & Emergency Services is responsible for developing, implementing, promoting and monitoring safe work practices and programs on campus, in accordance with administrative council policies.


Report an Incident


Learn more about the health and safety protocols Fanshawe requires all visitors to follow, including contractors before beginning maintenance or construction on campus.


Looking for more information or clarification about a Fanshawe College Health and Safety policy?
