Statement on London tragedy:
Fanshawe College is horrified and saddened by the act of hatred and Islamophobia that happened Sunday evening in London. Fanshawe stands in solidarity with the Muslim community and offers our love and compassion to all those affected by this devastating act of violence.
We condemn any form of racism, hatred, bigotry and prejudice. We must continue to stand together to call out this hate wherever we see it and build plans to eradicate racism.
We know that many members of our communities are grieving and we grieve with you. Fanshawe students needing assistance can contact Counselling Services at 519-452-4282 or by email:
Staff and faculty can access our Employee and Family Assistance Program through Homewood Health at or by phone: 1-800-663-1142.
Peter Devlin
Fanshawe College
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