eLearning at Fanshawe College

eLearning has become a necesssary facet of education as student demand for flexible options increases, and as research continues to show the value of learning entirely through or with support from digital delivery. Whether your teaching will take place in-person or online (see Getting to Know Your Course for a refresher on modes of delivery), you will need to engage in some level of eLearning delivery as outlined in Fanshawe’s eLearning policy. eLearning includes all forms of electronically-supported media, information, and communication technologies used to support teaching and learning. It can occur in or out of the classroom and be self-paced, synchronous, or asynchronous. 

For courses that are web-enhanced, this usually means making your contact information, grades, assignment details and certain learning resources available through FanshaweOnline (FOL), the College’s Learning Management System (LMS). For details on these requirements including a start of term checklist, refer to the page on FanshaweOnline Setup.

For courses that are in a blended format or fully online, additional planning and action are needed to ensure that students are engaged and successful in the online space. For professors whose own experience didn't include a lot of learning in this style, this can be a leap! The following guides and resources are designed to support teaching and learning pedagogy for eLearning at Fanshawe College. 

For more information about any of the topics covered here, go to FanshaweLearns (login required) to register for a scheduled session or contact Organizational Development & Learning

eLearning Resources

Web-enhanced (F2F) Teaching and Learning 
Blended Learning
Online Learning
College Supports for Online Learning

 In addition to the supports you may have as part of your academic school or campus, the college provides these services to all faculty:


Measuring eLearning Quality - Quality Matters
Accessibility and Universal Design
Publications, Journals, and Blogs



Teaching Resources and Open Content



Technology for Learning



