Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Intercultural Competence

Teaching Engl to Speakers of Other Lang & Intercultural Comp-2025/2026

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

Group 1
This course provides a theoretical foundation in syntax, morphology, phonology/phonetics, sociolinguistics, intercultural communication, and pragmatics of English. Standard English and World English varieties will be covered. Students will also be introduced to the dominance/hegemony of English as a global lingua franca and critical pedagogy. Students will learn to apply theory learned to the development of curriculum, lessons, and assessment for adult second language learners across a variety of levels and contexts.
INDS-6002Intercultural Competence3
This course enables students to explore what it means to interact successfully with those from different cultures, by understanding the components of intercultural competence and reflecting on their own intercultural competence development. The course will facilitate students' acquisition of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to produce effective and appropriate communication and behaviour in an intercultural classroom.
EDUC-6041Language Learning & Teaching5
This course provides an overview of key theoretical and practical issues in language learning, including first and second language acquisition; learner and cultural diversity; and characteristics of adult learners. A review of the history of language teaching methods is included. Students will learn how to plan outcomes, and develop learning activities and assessments for diverse learners in diverse settings using Canadian Language Benchmarks and the CEFR, including a focus on portfolio-based language assessment (PBLA) practices.
FLDP-6023Practicum: Observation0.8
Students will observe 20 hours and teach 6 hours under supervision in an adult second language context in Canada. They will reflect on aspects of observed classroom methods and experiences.

Group 2
Take one of the following courses:
FREN-3005, SPAN-3003, or COMM-6019
FREN-3005Discovering French3
Would you like to improve your basic understanding of the French Language? Or become comfortable socializing and conversing in Canada's second official language? This course provides students with a hands- on approach to learning and speaking conversational French through role-playing real-life situations in authentic contemporary contexts. This course combines various oral and written learning activities to enhance students' understanding and appreciation for the French Language. Moreover, students will use unique adaptive learning software to personalize the skill-building process in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Students will also be required to research and share with classmates a final project on an aspect of francophone culture.
SPAN-3003Discovering Spanish3
This course is designed for students who have little or no background in Spanish. It will concentrate primarily on developing the students oral skills, but will also deal with some of the fundamentals of grammar and writing. It will also aid students in acquiring sufficient vocabulary to be able to communicate with some ease in a variety of everyday contexts. Students, through the study of the language, will also get an overview of the cultures and customs of various Spanish-speaking countries.
COMM-6019Advanced Professional Communication3
This course focuses on refining and advancing students workplace communication abilities. The advanced communication documents and strategies covered include presentation skills, research skills, business document writing, meeting and management team strategies, business etiquette, and advanced employment communications. Additionally, students learn about interpersonal and intercultural communication (high/low and monochromic/polychromic context) concepts and strategies.

Level 2
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

Group 1
EDUC-6042Teaching Grammar & Vocabulary5
This course introduces students to the grammatical structures and vocabulary of English taught and assessed at beginner, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels. Topics include the tense system; English sentences and part; techniques for presentation and practice of grammar points and vocabulary; inductive and deductive approaches; and contrastive analysis.
EDUC-6043Teaching the Four Skills5
This course is divided into four skill sections: speaking, listening, writing and reading. Students will be presented with major theoretical and practical issues for teaching and assessing each skill. They will apply this theory to develop lesson plans for each skill at two different levels of proficiency for two different language learning contexts.
EDUC-6044Reflective Capstone3
In consultation with the professor, students will produce a reflective capstone project, applying theory from previous TESOL program courses and incorporating independent academic research (secondary only) to analyze one of their experiences from Level One: language learning or advanced communication coursework.
FLDP-6024Teaching Practicum0.8
Students will observe 10 hours in a Canadian adult language learning context different from their Practicum: Observation, and teach 14 hours in that context. Students will reflect on their experience and incorporate prior learning in the development of a personal teaching philosophy.
INFO-6083Computer Assisted Language Learning2
This course details current research, debates, tools, and applications of technology in language classrooms. Students will use multiple technology resources and also incorporate technology into language learning activities.

Group 2
Students will be enrolled in one of the following courses:
COMM-6032 or COMM-6034
COMM-6032Professional Presentations4
This course will develop advanced presentation skills (including cultivating influence, personal impact, authority and natural presence), and will improve students' verbal and non-verbal presentation skills in a variety of contexts. Students will structure and deliver professional presentations, both formal and informal, and will prepare appropriate accompanying visual aids; furthermore, strategies for handling questions, generating buy-in, and scripting effective narrative arcs will be covered. The course will also examine the ethical use of copyrighted materials in presentations within both corporate and not-for-profit contexts.
COMM-6034Reading, Writing & Audience Analysis-Adv4
This course provides students with strong knowledge of the principles of clear, concise and correct communication. Students will analyze examples of written, visual and oral communication for their structure, style, tone, and rhetorical strategies, and will consider the relationship of the writer to his/her audience and purpose. Additionally, students will develop an appreciation of the stylistic and rhetorical conventions in specific professional fields (e.g. business, health sciences, technology, etc.). Finally, students will learn to apply these concepts to their own writing, and to construct well-structured and grammatically correct texts that fulfill audience needs and expectations.

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 9 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program
