Transitions Programs for Students with Disabilities
We understand that making the transition to college life can be a big challenge. That’s why we have organized events to help make that transition a little easier. Our transition team visits area high schools and agencies and provides presentations about our services. Watch this Transitions Programs video for more information.
Here For You Pre-Orientation Series
Our Here For You Pre-Orientation Series occurs ahead of each term and includes practical sessions to prepare yourself for college including.
Learn More about the Here For You Orientation Series
Discovering Your Potential
Every spring, we offer Discovering Your Potential, a chance for Grade 11 students with learning support needs to visit our main campus and find out more about Fanshawe and Accessibility Services. Students get to try out new technology, learn about our services, win prizes, and meet successful college students. It’s a fun day for everyone!
Open House
Fanshawe hosts an Open House in both the spring and the fall. You can tour the college, speak to professors and students in many different programs, attend an accessibility services information session, tour the residence and learn about college services. It’s a great way to see what the college has to offer.
Fast Forward to Fanshawe
This program is offered in late summer to new Fanshawe students registered with Accessibility Services. Students with disabilities who will be starting their programs in September can register for this one-day, in-person event to help get ready for their first semester as a an adult college student. Information provided will include wellness in college, technology tips, communication, note-taking and learning, and coping with text anxiety. To register for a session, please contact Counselling and Accessibility Services or call 519-452-4282.
For students and their families who are making post-secondary program decisions and have questions about accessibility at Fanshawe. We offer individual pre-admission interviews with an Accessibility Services counsellor for those students who need a more personalized discussion.
Contact Us
Due to COVID 19, most services are currently being offered virtually!
Room F2010, London Campus
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