How does Co-Op Work
Work Semesters
Work semesters are spaced out through the academic program and students achieve progressively advanced skill levels as they advance through their studies. Similarly, the work experience opportunities should increase in difficulty and responsibility as the student progresses through the program. Normally, work semesters are four months in duration but in some programs there are double co-ops of eight months or even longer. The minimum duration is 12 weeks of full-time employment.
Only those students who pass all of their college courses are eligible for co-op so you can be sure that your student will have the basic skills required for success in an entry level position.
Pre-employment training
All co-op students undergo a pre-employment training program that includes information about careers related to their program, business/industry requirements and standards, and work place adaptation. The co-op pattern for each program is designed so that students are likely to be available for work during busy periods in companies related to their field of studies. For example, students in construction related programs are normally available for work during the May to December period when most entry level construction related jobs are available.
Co-op Payment Rates
Co-op positions are always paid. Students are usually paid at the same rate as entry level workers in that position at your company. Your Cooperative Education Consultant will advise you on hours and going wage rates, but the final decision is up to you.
Are you an employer looking to hire a Fanshawe co-op student? Visit the employer hub to find all the information you need on hiring and working with a co-op students.