Students with Disabilities
If you have a permanent disability, you could be eligible for full-time OSAP funding if you're studying at 40% or more of a full course load. To be considered for this benefit, you must self-identify as having a permanent disability when applying for OSAP. You must also submit an application for the OSAP Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Persons with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE), available mid to late June.
- Apply for OSAP and be eligible for OSAP funding (submit all required documents).
- If required, complete the new OSAP Disability Verification Form available under Required Documents when you self-identify as a student with a permanent disability and upload it on your OSAP application.
- Register as early as possible with Accessibility Services at Fanshawe (Room F2010, London Campus). Early identification ensures consideration for the BSWD and the CSG-PDSE. You could also be eligible for other accommodates and supports offered by Accessibility Services. Register with Accessibility Services or call 519-452-4282 and ask for an appointment with a counsellor.
The Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Persons with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE) help students with financial need meet educational-related costs associated with a permanent disability. Funding could be granted for services and equipment such as tutoring, Learning Disability Assessments and specialized equipment, including computer hardware/software.
Indigenous Students
If you're an Indigenous student with financial needs, no matter what year of your program you're enrolled in, you may qualify for the Indigenous Student Bursary (ISB). To be eligible for the ISB, a student must self-identify as Indigenous in Canada. Students who self-identify as Indigenous may be eligible for specific programs under OSAP once supporting documentation is accepted.
Note: Students may choose to provide proof of status in Canada by means of Aboriginal status under the Constitution (i.e., status card or Métis registry, where applicable)
The ISB is a component of the Postsecondary Education Fund for Aboriginal Learners (PEFAL) that provides support to Indigenous learners with financial needs to assist with their participation in post-secondary education and training, either at an Ontario publicly-assisted college or university, or at any approved Indigenous Institute in Ontario.
Funding may also be available to you through your local band office, federal support programs or other sources.
Indigenous students who need help applying for OSAP or other funding can contact their First Nations Education Counsellor, the The Institute of Indigenous Learning or the Financial Aid office.
Extended Society Care
Former individuals in extended society care and other youth 21-24 years old who left the care of a Children’s Aid Society may be eligible for a Living and Learning Grant. This grant provides additional funds above the regular full-time OSAP aid limits.
You’re automatically considered for this grant when you submit an OSAP application for full-time students. Supporting documents may be required to confirm your eligibility. The required documents are outlined when you submit your application.
If you were in extended society care and you were adopted on or after August 1, 2013 you may also be eligible. Contact the Financial Aid office for details on the review process to be considered for this grant.
Students receiving social assistance
If you are on social assistance, you may qualify for additional financial support or benefits, depending on your personal situation, including your program of study, your family size and what funding programs support you.
Before you begin your studies, you need to:
- report the amount of social assistance you receive on your OSAP application
- let your caseworker know how much OSAP you receive.
No matter what OSAP funding or social assistance you receive, always stay in touch with your caseworker(s) - it's their job to help you determine the best course of action.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
If you get financial support through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), you can also apply for OSAP.
OSAP is meant to help cover costs related to your education:
- tuition fees
- compulsory fees
- books
- supplies and equipment
- local transportation
- child care (if applicable)
You can continue to get ODSP funding to help with living costs while receiving OSAP. ODSP also provides a 100% exemption on any income earned while you are enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Contact your caseworker for more information.
Ontario Works
If you get financial support through the Ontario Works program, you need to apply for OSAP to help cover both your education and living costs. Generally speaking:
- If you're a single, full-time student getting OSAP: you are not eligible for OW support.
- If you're married or a sole-support parent: you could be eligible for an OW top-up if the amount of money you get from OSAP (for living costs) is less than you would get through the OW program.
OW provides a 100% exemption on any income earned while you’re enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Contact your caseworker for more information.
First Generation Students
If you are the first in your family to go to college or university, you could be eligible for the Ontario First Generation Bursary.