Downtown London Parking Information
For maps and details about parking availability:
- City of London, Downtown Parking - click on the "Municipal Parking Lots Guide" at right.
- Impark, London Parking
Who are the major providers of parking services in the downtown area?
- Impark (www.impark.com and www.hangtag.io)
- City of London (519-661-4537)
- Canada Wide Parking (877-392-5146)
Will the major providers work directly with Fanshawe College?
Discussions to date have led to the conclusion that the major parking providers do not offer business-to-business bulk purchases of space. They leave it to individuals to sign up for the parking that best meets their needs.
What should I expect to pay for monthly parking in the downtown area?
There are two main drivers to the cost to park downtown:
- Proximity to the core (Dundas and Richmond);
- Hours of work.
Some sample monthly parking options (pre-tax, subject to change - please check online links above for current rates) include:
- $70/month: City of London, Bathurst and Ridout;
- $120/month: Canada Wide Parking, York and Wellington;
- $100/month: City of London, Ridout and King;
- $150/month: Impark, Richmond and York;
- $135/month: Impark, Covent Garden Market;
- $135/month: Impark, Clarence and King;
- $140/month: Impark, Citi Plaza.
Are there other options besides monthly parking?
Most lots offer hourly and daily rates as well. Daily rates most often cover the following periods:
- 08:00 to 18:00: daily rate;
- 18:00 to 24:00: evening rate;
- Weekend pricing varies by lot and provider.
Should I be putting my name on a list now for monthly parking?
The major providers tend to sell a month in advance. Impark has advised that requests for monthly parking should be made a month in advance. A quick check on their web site shows that you cannot reserve monthly parking more than a month in advance.
Will there be an option to pay for parking through payroll deduction?
At this time there will not be an option for parking to be paid through payroll deduction. Should the College find a parking partner that will offer bulk parking we will consider how payroll deduction might be an option at that time.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Many parking lots in the downtown area have different rules related to hours of service and event parking. For example, lots closest to Budweiser Gardens do not include evening parking in their monthly parking service. Cars already in the lot can remain there but you will be charged an event fee to park there during an event.
The best advice we can offer is to get to know your schedule first, then find the parking that best fits your needs and budget. Specifically think of times when you may be parked during hours which span the daily and evening rate periods as you will be paying for both. Consider public transit and ride-sharing to help with the costs and the environment!
Where can I get more information?
Impark, the City of London and Canada Wide Parking all have websites. They will be your best source of information when it comes time to make a choice.
We will continue to explore other options in the coming weeks and will relay any new information through the Chairs and Dean.