Steps to becoming an apprentice

The first step is finding a sponsor employer to support you in your apprenticeship training. Next, you’ll want to visit the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development website and follow the steps to become an apprentice. 


View the Ministry of Labour Website

Have you received your offer of classroom training to complete your apprenticeship training at Fanshawe?

It's time to register for your class! Here’s how it works - you will receive your Offer of Classroom Training by email from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. Then you will complete your registration using the web registration process. In order to register with Fanshawe, you must be a registered apprentice and have received an email with your Offer of Classroom Training from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. Once you have received your Offer, you can...


Find your program and level to register  
When you click the "Register Now" button, you will be taken to WebAdvisor. Select the same course again on the next screen in WebAdvisor* and follow the instructions on all screens. Payment is required with registration. Apprentices who withdraw prior to the third class meeting are subject to a non-refundable fee of $100. Click "Submit" on the final screen.

What happens next?

  • Immediately after you complete this process you will receive a registration confirmation email.
  • Prior to the start of classes, you will receive additional information regarding your class schedule and other important information.

If you require accommodations to assist with your learning, please connect with Accessibility Services as soon as possible.


View our Frequently Asked Questions


Apprenticeship Fees

Below you will find a breakdown of fees that are associated with each apprenticeship program. Apprenticeship fees are comprised of ministry classroom fees, program-specific fees and ancillary fees.  


2024/2025 Fees
Program - Full-TimeMinistry Classroom FeeProgram Specific FeeAncillary FeesTotal Fees
Agricultural Equipment Technician$400$275$82.93$757.93
Auto Body and Collision Damage Repairer*$400$275$82.93$757.93
Automotive Service Technician*$400$275$82.93$757.93
Electrician - Construction and Maintenance*$500$275$103.66$878.66
General Carpenter*$400$275$82.93$757.93
General Machinist$400$350$82.93$832.93
Horticultural Technician$600$275$82.93$957.93
Industrial Electrician$500$275$103.66$878.66
Industrial Mechanic Millwright*$400$275$82.93$757.93
Residential Air Conditioning Systems Mechanic$400$275$82.93$757.93
Tool and Die Maker$400$275$82.93$757.93
Truck and Coach Technician*$400$275$82.93$757.93
Sheet Metal Worker*$400$275$82.93$757.93
Program - Full-TimeMinistry Classroom FeeProgram Specific FeeAncillary FeesTotal Fees
Automotive Service Technician$400$275$82.93$757.93
Childhood Development PractitionerMinistry Classroom Fee is calculated at $1.66 per reportable subject course hours. Eg: Child Development 1 (ECED-1030) 42 hours$30 per course$12.44 per course$112.16
Developmental Services WorkerMinistry Classroom Fee is calculated at $1.66 per reportable subject course hours. Eg: Health & Wellness (HLTH-1155) 45 hours$30 per course$12.44 per course$117.14
General Machinist$400$350$82.93$832.93
Industrial Mechanic Millwright$400$275$82.93$757.93
Institutional Cook$600$350$103.66$1,053.66
Tool and Die Maker$400$275$82.93$757.93
Truck and Coach Technician$400$275$82.93$757.93

*An additional fee of $50 is applicable for programs including mandatory exam prep in level 3


Learn about the financial support available


“In the General Carpenter Apprentice program, I learned both hands-on, practical skills and theoretical aspects of the trade. It was an easy transition from classroom to shop as we applied the theories learned in the class to the projects completed in the shop. Taught by trade experienced instructors, I completed my program and was prepared to work, becoming a licensed Red Seal Carpenter employed by a prominent construction company."

Scott Culliton, Red Seal Carpenter, General Carpenter Apprentice


“The Level One Electrical Apprenticeship program really expanded my knowledge and understanding of the trade, while at the same time, receiving extensive, hands-on practical training. This program has opened many doors for me, including residential and commercial work that I hadn’t considered previously.”

Chelsea Young, Apprentice Level One Electrical Apprentice


“The Sheet Metal Worker apprenticeship program teaches the properties of the metals we work with, as well as the proper procedures of working with metals. I experienced a good mix of both hands-on shop time and in-class theory that has helped me become a better apprentice. I am more confident in the quality of the fittings I produce and look forward to returning for the next level of the program.”

Jordan Gunn, Apprentice, Sheet Metal Worker (block release)

Skills Ontario Young Women's Initiatives

Video partially filmed at Fanshawe College.

Employment Ontario
This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada.

For a full list of apprenticeships available at the College of Trades

Apprenticeship Offerings

Auto Body and Collision Damage Repairer - Level 3

Start date:
April 28, 2025
End date:
June 27, 2025
Ministry Class Number:
Trade Code:

Automotive Service Technician - Level 1

Start date:
April 28, 2025
End date:
June 20, 2025
Ministry Class Number:
Trade Code:

Commercial Vehicles and Equipment - Core - Level 1

Start date:
April 28, 2025
End date:
June 20, 2025
Ministry Class Number:
Trade Code:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become an apprentice?

Please visit for more information.

First, find a job in the trade you want. If your employer agrees to accept you as an apprentice, you or your employer will contact the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD).

You may also ask for an Application for Apprenticeship training to be emailed to you by calling the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development – Local Apprenticeship Office nearest you.

Upon becoming registered as an apprentice, you can print off the Training Standards Book from the Skilled Trades Ontario site: to record your learning and training hours as applicable. The date of the contract establishes your schooling seniority date. Apprenticeship is part work (on the job) and part school. Selection for school is based on the date you signed as an apprentice.

Please note: The Ontario College of Trades has ceased operations and has been replaced by Skilled Trades Ontario. Stay up-to-date with skilled trades and apprenticeship system changes at the following link

I can’t find an employer, is there someone at Fanshawe who can help?

Fanshawe College has three Employment Ontario offices to help those who are out of work, school or training. Their services are free. To access services call:

In London:
Community Employment Services Fanshawe
Nelson Plaza, 155 Clarke Rd at 519-432-1220
431 Richmond Street (2nd floor, entrance off Carling) 519-452-4430 x6501.

In Simcoe:
Fanshawe Community Career and Employment Services, Unit 2, 5 Queensway E. 519-428-1135 x430.

In St. Thomas:
Fanshawe Career and Employment Services, 417 Wellington St., 519-637-9876.

In Aylmer:
Fanshawe Career and Employment Services, 20 Talbot St. East, 226-210-6800.

There are also websites you can access to help you connect with employers:

Where can I get more information?

Start with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) website:

You can also reach your Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, local Apprenticeship Office by phone:

Toll free within Ontario 800-387-5514
London: 800-265-1050 or 519-675-7788
Chatham: 800-214-8284 or 519-354-2766
Kitchener: 866-877-0099 or 519-653-5758
Sarnia: 800-363-8453 or 519-542-7705
Windsor: 800-663-5609 or 519-973-1441

Office of the Registrar, Apprentice Registration

When will my classroom training start?

Once you become an apprentice, you will receive an Offer of Classroom Training from the Ministry inviting you to attend in-school training at the times specified in your offer. If you haven’t received an offer, have moved or changed employers please advise the Office of the Registrar, Apprentice team at and your employment and training consultant at the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development 519-675-7788, located at 72-1200 Commissioners Road East, London.

How do I defer my Offer of Classroom training?

You can defer your offer of classroom training by contacting the Apprentice team, Office of the Registrar at or directly to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. You will be placed on the Ministry waiting list for a future offer to school.


I forgot to confirm my Offer of Classroom Training. What do I do now as it starts soon?

In order to secure a seat for your class you must pay the classroom fee included in your offer. To register click on the link included in your Offer of Classroom Training under ‘Register and Pay’ or by contacting the Office of the Registrar at 519-452-4277. Seats are filled on a first come first served basis so it is very important to register as soon as you can.

How much does an apprenticeship program cost?

The Ministry classroom fee is approximately $400-$600 per level.  Ancillary Fees (approx. $80 - $155) and Program-Specific Fees (approx. $200 - $350) per level also apply.
*Ancillary Fees– Ancillary Fees are fees which students pay in addition to tuition fees and are established following the guidelines of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. Learn more about ancillary fees.
*Program-Specific Fees – Program general expenses are fees students are required to pay in addition to tuition and ancillary fees and are specific to apprenticeship program costs.

Is there financial support available for apprenticeships?
What do I need from high school to be eligible?
What is the age requirement to become an apprentice?

To find out how to qualify and apply for an apprenticeship. There are different requirements when applying for ages 16 to 17 years or if you are 18 years of age and older. Please visit for more information.

How many years is the training?

Apprenticeship training can take up to four years to complete (both on-the-job training with an employer and in-class training requirements).

Do I have to buy tools and other things for the apprenticeship?
What is day release vs block release?

Day release training is attending school part-time, one day per week for approximately eight months to complete your level of training.

Block release training is attending school full-time for an 8 to 12-week period to complete your level of training.

How do I receive offers to Fanshawe College?

If you would like to receive offers for in-class training to Fanshawe College you must contact your employment and training consultant at the Ministry to request your school preferences to be updated to Fanshawe College.

Who do I contact about EI?

Some apprentices can obtain Employment Insurance while in school full time (block release). Any questions relating to EI should be directed to your employment and training consultant at the Ministry.

Do you offer challenge exams?

Fanshawe College offers challenge exams for some trades. Please contact the Test Centre at 519-452-4166 or email at They will be happy to assist you with any questions that you may have, as well as exam exemption scheduling. Please note: exam exemption testing may not be available due to COVID-19 restrictions at this time.

Are there supports for apprentices while attending in-class training?

Some supports we provide include: Advising Resources, Counselling and Accessibility Services, Career, Co-op and Employment and more! Visit our website to learn more. Visit