Summer 2025 course options

Courses are first come, first served—there are no waiting lists for courses that are full! We strongly advise you to register in your General Education course as soon as possible. This list of courses does not update when courses are full. When completing your registration you may need to try several courses before you find one that still has room for you to register.


How to Register


The following courses are: Blended / In-Person

Scheduled / Have Scheduled Hours / Synchronous 
3hrs per week (2hrs in-person + 1hr online) | 3 credits each 

Weekday Time: Wednesday 12:00 to 2:00
Location: 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd. London, Ontario 

Please note: Course options are subject to change without notice due to changes in planning. Please double-check course lists prior to completing your registration to ensure specific courses are still offered.

INDS-1049-60- Experimental Music

This course introduces students to the key composers and artists in experimental music from the early 20th century to the present and provides an overview of the central movements in experimental music. Students analyze and evaluate a broad variety of musical compositions and written sources. 

PHIL-1024-60- Searching for Reality

What exists, and how can we know it? Metaphysics and epistemology are the two branches of philosophy devoted to asking these questions, and this course is a historical examination of these two areas in Western philosophy. Each historical era will be viewed through the lens of a guiding question that frames metaphysical and epistemological investigation. Along the way we will discuss classical philosophical issues such as free will, the existence of God, the nature of consciousness, and the limits of science. 

PSYC-1067-60- A Culture of Addictions

As an introductory and interdisciplinary survey of the role of addiction in human cultures, this course is designed to expose students to how narcotic as well as non-narcotic-related addiction manifest themselves within various individual and institutional practices. Students will explore the major biological, psychological, and social/cultural theories applied to addiction. Focus is given to the nature of drug use, conceptions of 'the addict,' how drugs impact the brain, the impact on family, and consequences for changing social drug behaviors. This course also explores current theoretical and practical treatment approaches and education and prevention strategies. Emphasis will be given to special issues and hot topics in drug addiction, including youth, women, media portrayal of drug use and current debates on the war on drugs. Finally, understanding common perspectives on treatment and prevention strategies related to drug dependence and education will be studied. 

Online Diploma General Education Electives

All Online General Education courses are delivered in an unscheduled and asynchronous format. Students are free to choose any Online elective as they will not conflict with any other course schedule.

Diploma Students: Full-time — Online Courses:  

