

This subject introduces the student to computer programming using the JavaScript programming language. No prior programming experience is assumed. While JavaScript is the language of instruction, the course covers the essential concepts and constructs which are part of most modern programming languages, including sequence, selection, repetition, variables, arrays, and objects. Employing a lecture-lab format, the course leads the student from writing the simplest of programs to creating programs that interact with the elements in a web page. Using only a simple text processor and a browser, the student will write and run programs that utilize variables, calculations, arrays, if statements, loops, objects, and events. In addition to writing programs, the student will also be instructed in the elements of good programming style and their importance. This course is offered through OntarioLearn by the host college, Durham college.
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Computers, Design, and Media

TAKE COMP-1140 (Creating Web Pages With HTML)

Course Offerings

Fall 2024

London Campus Off Site
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
14 days after course start date

Course Details

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