
Soldering - Micro-credential

Through a face-to-face module learning delivery, students will be trained in cable assembly, throughhole and surface mount soldering. Soldering is an in-demand skill that is used in the electrical and electronics manufacturing industry. The microcredential will take place in an interactive soldering lab environment where the student will be exposed to instructor demonstrations and real-time instructor feedback. Each student will create their own working project through the modules where they can hone their skills focusing on proper techniques. Learning Outcomes: 1. Build a circuit by picking, placing, and soldering components onto a board. 2. Build and repair through-hole (THT) and surface mount printed circuit boards using appropriate soldering procedures. 3. Utilize appropriate protective equipment to prevent injury when completing soldering projects. Total class hours - 18
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Professions & Trades

Course Offerings

Thank you for your interest in this course. At this time, there are no upcoming classes scheduled. New offerings in future terms will appear below so you are encouraged to check back again throughout the year. To inquire about when upcoming classes might be planned, please fill in the form on this page and we will respond shortly.

Course Details

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photo of the front page of the part-time studies guide

Download the Part-time Studies Guide


What's included:

  • How to assess if part-time learning is right for you
  • Part-time learning options and the differences between each
  • How to pay for your part-time education
  • Part-time options within your area of interest
  • How to sign up for part-time studies and where to get help


Learn how to download