
Establish Yourself As Virtual Law Clerk

This course is designed to build upon the skills of a law clerk who has completed formal law clerk education or who has prior law clerk work experience. The purpose of this course is to enable students to learn, understand, and apply effective business and financial management principles required to operate a business as a professional virtual law clerk and to prepare employed law clerks to transition their established career to working virtually for their employer. Students will learn the skills and strategies necessary to: establish and maintain a virtual law clerk business; create proper and competent systems relating to conflict checks, records management, confidentiality, and the use of technology; analyze and evaluate the financial success of a business; select business management/accounting software.
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Health, Food & Medical

Course Offerings

Fall 2024

London Campus Off Site
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
14 days after course start date

Course Details

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