Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Fanshawe has introduced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as part of our commitment to keep student information safe and enhance our security against cyber-attacks. This adds an extra layer of protection, even if your login credentials (username and password) are compromised. Students and employees need to verify your login using MFA in order to access FanshaweOnline (FOL), MyFanshawe or other College-related software, devices, resources and classwork whenever you are not directly connected to Fanshawe's network.
Our IT Service Desk recommends using the free Microsoft Authenticator app for the most seamless, hassle-free method of verification. It's simple to use, available for Apple and Android, works over a data plan or Wi-Fi and doesn't slow down phone performance.
Download MS Authenticator (free) | How to set up MS Authenticator (PDF) | Current students: learn more on MyFanshawe |
Additional information
How often is it needed? The frequency of authentication prompts can vary based on a number of factors and is unique to each device you use. You should be prepared to use MFA any time you access FOL or other College-related software, devices, resources and classwork.
What if I can't use an app? We understand that not everyone can use mobile apps. If you cannot use an app to authenticate, please complete this online form to apply for an alternative option from the Library Learning Commons.
If you need accommodations to help with MFA, please contact Accessibility Services at accessibility@fanshawec.ca.
If you need technical support, contact Fanshawe's IT Service Desk at https://connected.fanshawec.ca/contact-us.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Single Sign-On (SSO) is a convenient and secure way for you to access different systems with just one set of login credentials (i.e. just one username and password). Think of it as a user-friendly "master key" to your digital Fanshawe resources. Using SSO means you authenticate once, and SSO manages your authentication behind the scenes, so you're automatically signed in when you access any other SSO-enabled services (until you log out or your SSO session expires).
SSO saves you time and effort because it makes logins more seamless across various applications and platforms - such as FanshaweOnline (FOL), WebAdvisor, the busary and scholarship portals, MyFanshawe and other College software. Plus, SSO reduces the need for multiple passwords, which means less hassle for you and a safer online environment with lower risk of password-related vulnerabilities.
Where can I find my SSO credentials?
- Sent to you via email after submitting your application to the college (within 48 hours) with the email subject "Fanshawe - WebAdvisor Account". This is the only communication that includes this sensitive information.
- The username and password included are your single sign-on credentials.
Unable to find your WebAdvisor (SSO) credentials?
- Do you know your student ID/number? This seven-digit number is included on most Fanshawe communications. With this number, you can reset your password and generate your login credentials. If you have any difficulty, contact IT services. They will require your student number in order to assist you.
Unable to find your student ID?
- Contact the Office of the Registrar to obtain your student ID, then follow the password reset process.
- Monitor the status of your application to a Fanshawe College program
- View outstanding requirements for your application (such as transcripts)
- Accept your position on a program waitlist
- View your outstanding fee balance and make fee payments
- Access your class schedule once available (typically 6 weeks prior to the start of term)
- Register in Part-Time Studies (formerly Continuing Education) courses and/or General Education courses
- View your grades and schedules and tax form (T2202A)
- Update your mailing or email address information
Once you are registered in your courses, (usually about one week before the first day of classes), they will appear on FanshaweOnline (FOL). You will also be given an FOL email account. FOL is your lifeline to Fanshawe College.
- Download course notes
- Find information on assignments
- Do quizzes
- Participate in online discussions with your professor and classmates
- See your grades on individual assignments and tests
- Read about important news for your classes (class cancellation, test dates, clinical info, etc.)
- Read and send emails
Once you are a student, you will likely log onto FOL two to five times daily. The College staff and professors expect that you are checking your FOL course pages and emails. Important information is often not given in class, but instead posted on FOL. If you do not know your username or password, please visit the Account Self Service page. For additional assistance, contact the IT Service Desk at 519-452-6902, email itservicedesk@fanshawec.ca, or visit Room E2030 (London Campus).
MyFanshawe is a website built for current Fanshawe students. It is home to the information you want and need to make the most of your student experience. Whether you're studying on campus, online or both, you can access all your mental health, recreation, employment, academic and education supports to help you succeed... plus information and tips about bursaries and scholarships, fees and grades, registration, important deadlines, food, shopping and more. Your single stop for all aspects of the student experience at Fanshawe is just a click or tap away!
- Direct links to FanshaweOnline and WebAdvisor
- LiveChat with Office of the Registrar, Career Services, Library Learning Commons and more
- A calendar of College events to keep students on track and involved
- Details on student services and supports to help you succeed
- Links for free software, student discounts and IT support
- Info about food, shopping and other services on campus