Friday, November 19, 2021
Last Updated

Since business is a part of every single industry sector, it’s no surprise that business jobs are constantly in high demand. The area of business is one that is vast and comprises many different career paths. It can be tricky to narrow down which one you ought to travel. You’re in luck because we’ve made it easier for you to explore each of the different categories of business to carefully consider when choosing post-secondary study. 

At Fanshawe’s Lawrence Kinlin School of Business, one thing that we pride ourselves on is ensuring you have the right academic pathway to get you where you want to go. Many of our programs begin with common first-year courses in a variety of areas that allow you to sample some of the career paths that this blog will go through. There are also plenty of laddering opportunities that allow you to start in one credential and transfer the credits you earned toward a more advanced credential if you choose. Lastly, we provide graduate options to further specialize your skills in order to get the most of your education and enhance your career opportunities.

Business Foundations

Business Leadership and Management

Sales and Marketing

Supply Chain and Operations

Insurance and Finance


Human Resources
