Traveling the globe is on everyone’s bucket list at one point or another. That’s why it is so amazing that there are more opportunities to see the world throughout your academic journey. One of the best ways to check off your bucket list is to take advantage of study abroad opportunities provided by your education institution. Still not convinced? Here are four solid reasons to help you take the plunge and study abroad:
1Gain international experience
Career impact is the number one reason to study abroad. What better way to stand out in a crowd than to have international experience on your resume? Only 3% of Canadian post-secondary students have international experience, which means if you study abroad, you’ll rise above other candidates applying for the same job as you. Employers find international experience extremely attractive because it demonstrates a number of valuable soft skills including adaptability, cross-cultural communication, creative problem-solving and a positive attitude towards change.
2 Live abroad at a low cost
Studying abroad is one of the best ways to live abroad long-term and at a lower cost than you probably expect. You pay only your regular Canadian tuition and you could also receive a scholarship from your institution (at Fanshawe, that’s up to $2,500) to help with extra costs like flights, visas, health insurance, etc. That leaves only your cost of living to pay for, which is typically around $800 to $1,200 per month, and depending on where you go to study, this could be less than where you currently live!
3 Receive academic credit
When you study abroad, you can even receive credit towards the credential you’re working on. In other words, studying abroad is not just fun and games - it actually counts as part of your program! In addition to receiving credit, you can also fit studying abroad into your current graduation plan. This means it won’t take you an extra year or semester to graduate from your program.
4 Expand your cultural horizons
Being immersed in a new cultural experience will force you to see things from a different point of view, and will teach you how to challenge the norms that you’re used to. You'll return home with a whole new perspective that will help you academically and professionally, and enrich your life too.