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3 minutes
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Last Updated

If you’ve already applied to your fave colleges but are still asking yourself, “What college should I go to?” you may want to attend open houses at your top picks for college. Open houses are often cited as the deciding factor for students choosing their college. Even if you’re just starting to look at post-secondary schools and programs, a college open house is the place to gather information on programs, learn about supports available to students and get a feel for the campus.

Visit Fanshawe’s Open House on March 23, 2024

Why does Open House help you choose what college you should go to?

Chat with the Community

Talk to current students

When you visit a college’s open house, you’ll meet a ton of people, including current students. Why is it so important to talk to someone who’s currently a student at the college you’re considering? They can tell you what it’s like to live and breathe on campus, from classes to residence and housing to available student services. Above all, they can share with you what it is like to be a student at the college you are visiting. This will help you imagine what your time at the college may look like.

Talk to profs for your desired programs

aviation prof talking to prospective students at open house

Not only are professors a wealth of knowledge when it comes to their classes, but they can also provide details on what you’ll be learning, provide direction in terms of specific questions you may have about programs and explain career options when you graduate. They’ll also be able to identify what makes their school’s program unique.

Explore Programs and Spaces

Explore programs

An open house is a showcase of the programs and services the college has to offer. If you know what program you want to take but you’re still deciding what college to go to, visit your program’s booth, talk to the program experts there and gather brochures and info on that program.

If you’re still undecided on what program you want to take at college, take our pathfinder quiz to get started and then visit program booths that interest you at the open house to learn more about each program. This will give you an idea of what options are available to you and an opportunity to talk to program experts to see if something piques your interest.

Explore Facilities

people talk at Fanshawe's medical education facilities in front of table with medical supplies

Being in a space in person can make all the difference in understanding what your time at college may look like. Visit the classrooms, see what new technologies are in use at the college you’re considering and visit the spaces you’ll spend most of your time in (you might even find your favourite study spot during an open house!). 

For the first time in spring 2024, Open House at Fanshawe will include our new space, Innovation Village. With cutting-edge technology in spaces like the XR Lab and the Maker Spaces, innovation is at the heart of our London Campus. Plus, check out the comfy chairs and beautiful study spaces featuring Indigenous design elements. 

Learn What Makes the College Unique

Before you leave the open house, you’ll want to make sure you understand what makes the college and specific programs you’re considering special. Whether that means having access to the latest tech right on campus, unique or new programs, student services or something else entirely, determine what’s important to you and be sure to explore that thing.

You can make the most of an open house by planning ahead. Explore our open house resources and make a list of things you want to see and people you’d like to meet so you can make sure not to miss anything important to you.

Visit Fanshawe’s Open House on March 23, 2024

Register for Open House at the link above and you'll be entered for a chance to win $1,000 in tuition or school supplies! See contest rules and regulations for details.

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