Missing information


Proof of Permanent Resident Status (ACPR)

Please send a scanned PDF copy of your Permanent Resident Card to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


General Certificate of Education (ACGCE)

Mail official examination results of your General Certificate of Education and/or Certificate of Secondary Education to ontariocolleges.ca (60 Corporate Court, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 5J3).


Verification of Work Experience-ANA (AC9WEANA)

Applicants to the Anesthesia Assistant Program must complete a Verification of Work Experience as a Registered Respiratory Therapist or Registered Nurse Form confirming 2,000 hours of employment within the last three years. Please send the form in PDF format to regforms@fanshawec.ca. Note: The 2,000 hours of work experience within the last three years must have been completed in critical care areas such as the operating room, intensive care unit (ICU), coronary care unit (CCU) or post-anesthesia care unit (PACU).



Please send a PDF copy of your Resume to regforms@fanshawec.ca. Please include your student number in the body of your email.


MRI Clinical Experience (AC9CEMRI)

Applicants to the Magnetic Resonance Imaging program must complete a Verification of Work Experience form in order to prove 40 weeks clinical experience within the last five years in one of the following disciplines: General Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, or General Sonography. Please send the form in PDF format to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Study Permit (AC9SP)

Please use the International Student Form to upload a copy of your study permit. Note: both international students and refugee students use this form.



Please send a scanned PDF of your Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistance Certificate (EMCA) to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Proof of Diplomatic Visa (ACDIPV)

Please email a copy of your Proof of Diplomatic Visa Status in Canada in PDF format to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Proof of Refugee Status (ACRC)

Please email a copy of your Notice of Decision, issued by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, in PDF format to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Date of Birth (ACDOB)

We need to know your Date of Birth. Please phone the Customer Service Centre at ontariocolleges.ca at 1-888-892-2228 with your date of birth.


Confirmation Citizenship Status (ACCTZ)

In order to process your application we need to know your Citizenship Status in Canada (e.g. Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, Study Permit, Refugee Status, etc.). Log in to your ontariocolleges.ca account and update your Status in Canada in the "Citizenship and Residency" section of your online application.


High School Transcript (NC) (ACST), (C) (ACCST)

If you have an Ontario High School Transcript in support of your application, please use the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province High School Transcript you must scan and email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Documents Required for Graduate Program (ACGRAD)

Before we can make you an offer of admission to a graduate program, we need to see your grades from your previous college or university education. Please send a transcript immediately (do not wait for your final grades or until you graduate). Use the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature at ontariocolleges.ca. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca. A final transcript will also need to be sent to us upon completion.

NOTES: If you are applying as a mature applicant with related work experience and/or professional background and experience please email a detailed resume in PDF format to regforms@fanshawec.ca. If you are a Fanshawe College graduate, we will use this transcript if you have the same name and student number.


Foreign High School Marks (ACFST)

In order to process your application, we need your Certified Transcript (official school marks/grades sheet), translated into English, which identifies the courses taken and the marks achieved in each year of secondary school. Please note that there is a fee payable to ontariocolleges.ca. Mail your Certified Transcript to ontariocolleges.ca (60 Corporate Court, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 5J3).


English Language Ability Requirement (ACLANG, ACLANG2, ACLANG3, ACLANG5, ACLANG6, ACLANG8, ACLANG13)

Your application indicates that English is not your first language and we require Evidence of English Language Proficiency in order to continue processing your application. Please visit English Language Requirements to review the English Language Requirements for the program to which you are applying.


English Proficiency Condition (ACLANGCD)

Your offer of admission is conditional until you have successfully completed your current schooling (e.g., ACE Communications, the appropriate level of Fanshawe’s EAP program, Grade 12 English (C) or (U), or other courses in English Language Studies at other accredited institutions) which fulfills the English Language Proficiency requirement. Your admission to Fanshawe College will not be finalized until we receive your transcript showing evidence that you have completed the English Language Proficiency requirement. If the program you have applied to lists a Grade 12 English course as an admission requirement, you will have an additional admission condition for that program. Please refer to your program web page for specific English Language Requirements for your program. If you are not a current Fanshawe College ACE or EAP student, be sure to send us your final transcript when your complete your English language studies. Transcripts should be ordered via ontariocolleges.ca.


Foreign Post-Secondary Transcripts (ACFPST)

In order to process your application we require your Certified Transcript (official school marks/grades sheet), translated into English, which identifies the courses taken and the marks achieved in each year of post-secondary school. Please note that there is a fee payable to ontariocolleges.ca. Mail your post-secondary Certified Transcript to ontariocolleges.ca (60 Corporate Court, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 5J3).


Post-Secondary Transcript (ACPST)

Before we can make you an offer of admission to a graduate program, we need to see your grades from your previous college or university education. Please send a transcript immediately (do not wait for your final grades or until you graduate). Use the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca. A final transcript will also need to be sent to us upon completion.


Post-Secondary Transcript (ACPSTDEG)

We need a Certified Transcript of your Post-Secondary Academic Achievement. Use the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature at ontariocolleges.ca. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


CRTO or Certificate of Competence ANA2 (ACCERT)

Applicants to the Anesthesia Assistant program must email one of the following items to regforms@fanshawec.ca: your current Certificate of Registration as a Registered Respiratory Therapist in the province of Ontario OR your current Certificate of Competence as a Registered Nurse in the province of Ontario with 2 years full-time work experience or equivalency in the past 5 years.


Aptitude Test – Advanced Police Studies and Advanced Law Enforcement, Investigations and Security (ACT9APS, ACT9ALE)

All applicants must pass an Aptitude Test. The School of Public Safety will contact you regarding this test.


Shuttle Run Test – Advanced Police Studies and Advanced Law Enforcement, Investigations and Security (ACS1APS, ACS1ALE)

All applicants must submit proof of having achieved stage 6 on the Leger 20-meter Shuttle Run Test. Please send PDF of test results to regforms@fanshawec.ca, and please include your name and student number.


MRI – CAMRT Certification (ACT9MRI)

All applicants to the Magnetic Resonance Imaging program must hold a current Certificate as a member of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) in: General Radiography, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine or General Sonography. Please submit a scanned copy of your certificate to regforms@fanshawec.ca. Applicants who are currently in school may receive a conditional offer pending successful writing of the CAMRT exam.


Prep Program Condition-GPA 2.0 (ACPP2MIA, ACPP2CYW, ACPP2SSW)

Successful completion of the Preparatory Ontario College Certificate program (e.g. General Arts and Science, Pre-Health Science) you are currently enrolled in with a minimum 2.0 GPA by the end of April. Official transcripts must be submitted no later than the end of May.

If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.



Successful completion of the Preparatory Ontario College Certificate program (e.g. General Arts and Science, Pre-Health Science) you are currently enrolled in with a minimum 3.0 GPA by the end of April. Official transcripts must be submitted no later than the end of May.

If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Diploma/Degree Program Condition (ACPCDALL)

Your offer of admission is subject to the condition that you successfully complete the diploma or degree that you are currently enrolled in and meet any additional program specific requirements - refer to this program on the Fanshawe College website for further details (www.fanshawec.ca). Official transcripts showing your graduation status must be received at least 3 weeks prior to program start.

If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca. Please ensure that we receive a final post-secondary transcript proving that you have graduated or are eligible to graduate.


Secondary School Average Condition (ACACDDEG)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a final transcript that shows you have a final minimum average of 65% based on the highest six Grade 12 (U) or (M) courses required.


Cumulative Average Conditional College Program (ACCACDEG)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a transcript showing your graduation with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. A certified transcript of your college final results must be submitted no later than the end of May. If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Cumulative Average Conditional University Program (ACCAUDEG)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a transcript showing that you have achieved a minimum average of 65% on your last ten full credits or full credit equivalent university courses. If you are currently registered in less than ten full credit courses or full credit equivalence, you must achieve a minimum overall average of 65% on all university courses. A certified transcript of your university final results must be submitted no later than the end of June. If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Proof of Canadian Citizenship (ACCC)

Please email a copy of your Proof of Canadian Citizenship to regforms@fanshawec.ca in PDF format.


APS Bridging Course (ACAPSBDG)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a transcript proving that you have successfully completed the Advanced Police Studies Bridging course.


University Degree-PLG (ACUCDPLG)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a transcript showing you have graduated from your university degree and meet any additional program specific requirements - refer to fanshawec.ca/PLG1. Official transcripts must be received at least 3 weeks prior to program start.

If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca. Please ensure that we receive a final post-secondary transcript proving that you have graduated or are eligible to graduate.


College Diploma with B Average OR 3.0 GPA-PLG (ACCCDPLG)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a transcript showing that you have graduated with a final "B" average or 3.0 GPA and meet any additional program-specific requirements - refer to fanshawec.ca/PLG1 for further details. Official transcripts must be received at least 3 weeks prior to program start.

If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed or you are sending an out-of-province Post-Secondary Transcript, please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca. Please ensure that we receive a final post-secondary transcript proving that you have graduated or are eligible to graduate.


2nd or 3rd Year Mechanical Engineering-PEM (ACPCDPEM)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see a transcript showing that you have successfully completed the first, second or third year of your current studies and meet any additional program specific requirements - refer to fanshawec.ca/PEM11 for further details. Official transcripts must be received at least 3 weeks prior to program start.


Advanced Standing Course Outlines (ACCRSOUT)

To support your application for advanced standing, you are required to submit detailed course descriptions/syllabus to the Office of the Registrar. Please send PDF copies of your documents to regforms@fanshawec.ca, please include your student number in the body of the email.


Advanced Standing Post Secondary Transcript (ACADVPST)

To support your application for advanced standing, you are required to submit a certified transcript(s) of your academic achievement beyond high school. Transcripts may be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar by the institution(s) you attended (via email of PDF attachments to regforms@fanshawec.ca) or you may use the "MY TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application.

Note: If your present transcript indicates courses still in progress, please send a current transcript now and a final transcript as soon as it is available.



If you are a current high school student, your final transcript (showing completion of your OSSD) will be sent electronically from your high school when you have completed all of your OSSD requirements. If you have already completed all of your OSSD requirements (including community service) please ensure that your documents have been sent to ontariocolleges.ca for processing (60 Corporate Court, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 5J3). If you did not go to high school in Ontario, please send proof that your graduated high school by emailing PDF copies of official transcripts to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


ACE Certificate (ACACECRT)

Your offer of admission is conditional until we see proof that you have successfully completed the Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Certificate. If you are currently attending an institution other than Fanshawe College, please request a final transcript using the "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST" feature on your ontariocolleges.ca online application. If your institution is not listed please email a PDF copy to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Secondary School four Senior Courses (AC4SSCRS)

Successful completion of four senior level (i.e. Grade 11 and/or Grade 12) secondary school courses from the College (C), University (U), University/College (M), or Open (O) stream. Each course must be worth, at least, one credit. Mail a certified copy of your Secondary School Transcript to ontariocolleges.ca (60 Corporate Court, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 5J3).



One of the Admission Requirements is the completion of a Supplemental Form. Please look for an email to be sent to you concerning the Supplemental Form. The due date for responding to the college concerning these requirements will be specified to you in the email direct from the School.


Supplemental Information-CIT (ACS9CIT)

The Community Integration Through Co-operative Education program has non-academic admission requirements. Please look for an applicant information package to be sent to you from the School of Community Studies at Fanshawe College. The due date for returning the completed applicant information package to the College will be specified to you in this package.


Verification of Work Experience-ADP (AC0WEADP)

Applicants to the Advanced Care Paramedic Program must complete a Verification of Work Experience as a Primary Care Paramedic Form confirming your hours of employment. Please scan and send the form in PDF format to regforms@fanshawec.ca.


Pre-Admission Testing-ADP (ACT0ADP)

All applicants to the Advanced Care Paramedic program must pass a Theoretical Preparedness Test. The School of Public Safety will contact you regarding this test.


Condition 1: Complete Term (RCRC01)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of your current term of studies.

Condition 2: See Academic Advisor Now (RCRC02)
You must contact your Academic Advisor immediately, if you have not already done so. You can see a list of advisors here: www.fanshawec.ca/myssa
Condition 3: See Program Coordinator Before Class (RCRC03)
You must contact the Program Coordinator prior to the start of classes. You can see a list of program coordinators here: www.fanshawec.ca/student-success/academic-support-contacts
Condition 4: Different Level (RCRC04)
The program level that you were invoiced for is different from the program level for which you applied. The Program Coordinator has recommended that this program level is more suitable to your qualifications. 
Condition 6: Submit Transcript (RCRC06)
Please submit a final transcript for your most recent academic activity. 
Condition 7: Complete Courses First (RCRC07)
The Academic School has advised that you will be required to complete certain courses from previous levels prior to graduation. For details, please contact the Program Coordinator before the start of classes. You can see a list of program coordinators here: www.fanshawec.ca/student-success/academic-support-contacts
Condition 8: Complete Term (RCRC08)
You must fulfill the conditions as communicated to you by the Academic School
Condition 12: Successful Completion (RCRC12)
Your registration in the next term is conditional upon the successful completion of your current courses.
Condition 13: Finish BMK With 2.5 GPA (RCRC13)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the two year Business - Marketing program. Students must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
Condition 14: Finish BAC With 2.5 GPA (RCRC14)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the two year Business - Accounting program with a 'B' grade in the required courses. Students should have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
Condition 19: Finish College Diploma (RCRC19)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of your College Diploma.
Condition 20: Finish BUS With 2.5 GPA (RCRC20)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the two year Business program. Studentsmust have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5
Condition 21: Bridge Course With B Grade (RCRC21)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the completing the bridging courses with a 'B' grade in each course prior to the start of classes
Condition 23: Finish BFS Certificate (RCRC23)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the Business Fundamentals program.

Condition 24: Finish BHR With 2.5 GPA (RCRC24)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the two year Business - Human Resources program. Students must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
Condition 27: Finish Diploma With 3.5 GPA (RCRC27)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of your current two year Diploma program with a minimum GPA of 3.5.
Condition 28: Finish Advanced Diploma With 3.5 GPA (RCRC28)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of your current term of studies.
Condition 29: Finish Term See Program Coordinator (RCRC29)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the current term. You must contact the Program Coordinator prior to the start of classes. You can see a list of program coordinators here: www.fanshawec.ca/student-success/academic-support-contacts
Condition 30: Finish Culinary Skills (RCRC30)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the Culinary Skills program.
Condition 31: Finish ECE With 2.5 GPA (RCRC31)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of the two year Fanshawe ECE diploma program or an Ontario colleges ECE diploma program. Graduates must have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
Condition 32: Finish Bridge With 2.5 GPA (RCRC32)
Your upper level offer of admission is subject to the successful completion of all four ECL Bridge courses prior to the start of the term with the following GPA: ECED-7001, ECED-7002, ECED-7003 - combined GPA of 2.5, and COMM-7008- GPA of 2.0
Condition 33: Contact Academic Advisor Now (RCRC33)
You must contact your Academic Advisor immediately, if you have not already done so. You can see a list at www.fanshawec.ca/myssa

Condition 34: Contact Academic Advisor Before Classes (RCRC34)
You must contact your Academic Advisor prior to the start of classes. You can see a list of advisors here: www.fanshawec.ca/myssa 

