
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
AVIA-6001 | Aircraft Mechanics | 2.5 | ||
This course will provide an overview of the physics applied on the aircraft through an introduction to aerospace engineering techniques, tooling, and procedures including regulations and certification procedures and health and safety requirements. Skills for reading and interpreting aircraft drawings and associated symbols will also be taught. | ||||
COMM-6039 | Leadership, Professionalism & Comm | 3 | ||
In this course, students will be introduced to the concepts and tenets of effective leadership and professionalism in the aerospace industry. Students will engage in professional conduct and communication, both written and verbal, with a specific focus on industry communication standards. | ||||
AVIA-6002 | Standards, Regulations & Certifications | 1.5 | ||
This course provides an overview of aviation standards, regulations and certification procedures; regulatory areas; air traffic procedures; aviation law for engineering; and airworthiness regulations. The course will also introduce human factors related to engineering standards and safety including the use of safety management systems to identify risk and hazards. Students will investigate the most common human errors that occur during an aerospace project and the industry processes and standards in place to address those errors. | ||||
MGMT-6113 | Lean Manufacturing | 1.5 | ||
The fundamental principles, tools, and concepts for lean manufacturing in the aerospace industry will be presented in this course. Students will use lean analysis tools and performance measurements including standardized work and setup reduction. The course will include an examination of the current state, systems, and strategies used for aerospace manufacturing. | ||||
AVIA-6003 | Composites/Additives & Materials | 3.5 | ||
This course provides a comprehensive overview of materials processing with special emphasis on aerospace engineering materials and protection against failure including corrosion, fatigue, creep failure, fracture, and wear. Castings (process and defects) and non-destructive testing will also be addressed. | ||||
AVIA-6004 | Avionic System Design & Installation | 4 | ||
Avionics systems and their purpose, installation, and troubleshooting procedures will be introduced in this course. Students will be exposed to standard communication and navigation systems, cockpit display configurations, classifications, and related flight management systems. The course will also examine future trends in avionics and how those trends may affect aerospace manufacturing. | ||||
CADD-6003 | Computer Aided Aerospace Design | 5 | ||
This course focuses on how aerospace systems are designed and mapped using computer-aided design software. Students will acquire the fundamental skills of implementing that design software to interpret design applications and optimize the design of aerospace parts using a case-study approach. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
ENGR-6002 | Concurrent Engineering | 3.5 | ||
Concurrent Engineering involves an integration of design engineering, manufacturing engineering, and other functions using an Integrated Product Team approach. In this course, students will study and apply Concurrent Engineering for a variety of team structures, design scenarios, and certification requirements. They will explore the selection of techniques, methodologies, and tools and the strategies for matching design with quality requirements. | ||||
MGMT-6114 | Project Management | 2.5 | ||
In this course, students will acquire the skills to develop, design, manage, plan, and schedule aerospace projects. Students will undertake feasibility analyses and environmental and social constraint studies, and they will identify and apply a range of controls for project cost, timelines, and technical performance. | ||||
AVIA-6005 | Aircraft Structural Analysis | 3.5 | ||
This course will focus on aircraft structures and how design considerations are verified. Students will explore the functions and fabrication standards for structural components. Computer-aided stress analyses of structures will be conducted. | ||||
MGMT-6115 | Quality Control Methodologies | 2.5 | ||
This course emphases the use of quality control and improvement methodologies in aerospace manufacturing. Principles of lean enterprise, process management, waste elimination, and process variations will be taught. Statistical methods and quality control theories will be used to expose students to international standards of acceptance sampling. | ||||
AVIA-6006 | Assembly & Manufacturing Techniques | 3 | ||
This project-based course will provide students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills relating to the maintenance of aircraft and aeronautical products and the use of tools and techniques for manufacturing and maintenance. | ||||
AVIA-6007 | Aerospace Case Study | 2.5 | ||
This project-based course allows students to research, analyze, and report on an aerospace project. | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 10 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program | ||||