Fanshawe Residence, just steps away from your classroom
Fanshawe Residence is your home away from home. Choose between traditional apartment-style or townhouse-style accommodations complete with a private bedroom, oversized double bed, light housekeeping services, social activities and so much more. Our student housing options include 1,200 traditional apartment-style residence rooms and almost 400 townhouse rooms at our London campus, as well as a variety of off-campus housing options.
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Have questions?
Choosing the right option for you can tough so we've gathered all of the common questions we receive from students and parents for your convenience in our frequently asked questions.
Contact Us
Our Residence Experience team is here to help you!
Residence Services, Fanshawe College
1001 Fanshawe College Blvd.
Box 7004
London, Ontario
N5Y 5W2
General inquiries (24/7 access):
fanshaweresidence@fanshawec.ca or 519-452-4440
Application process and account inquiries:
Residence Acceptance - residenceacceptance@fanshawec.ca
Residence Life Manager:
Jessica Waringer - jwaringer@fanshawec.ca
General Manager:
Erica Robertson - erobertson@fanshawec.ca