
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
WRIT-1048 | Reason & Writing 1 for Health Sciences | 3 | ||
This course will introduce health sciences students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. | ||||
DENT-1063 | Emergency Management | 2 | ||
This course integrates emergency theory with prevention and management in the clinical practice setting using a body system in health and disease approach. Pharmacological classifications and principles including drugs frequently prescribed or used in dental practices will be highlighted. The potential impact of patient medications and recreational drug use to both oral health and the safety of patients during clinical care will be explored. | ||||
DENT-1053 | Infection Prevention & Control | 3 | ||
This course provides the theoretical foundation in the study of microorganisms that contribute to disease transmission in dental settings. Through the study of infection prevention and control procedures, students will gain an appreciation and understanding of their role in reducing the risk of disease transmission to the healthcare team and members of the public. | ||||
DENT-1054 | Dental Materials for Clinical Practice | 1 | ||
Students will learn the properties and manipulation of materials used during restorative and clinical procedures in the dental office. Emphasis will be placed on achievement of optimal outcomes to ensure that materials meet requirements needed for clinical use. | ||||
DENT-1055 | Patient Care Procedures 1 | 3.5 | ||
This course provides students with the theoretical and practical skills required for assisting operative dentistry. Using clinical simulations and peer experiences, students will demonstrate a variety of dental assisting skills used in fourhanded dentistry. Health and safety procedures and optimal infection prevention and control protocols will be emphasized to ensure clinician and patient safety in the clinical setting. | ||||
DENT-1056 | Oral Health Records | 1 | ||
This course provides students with an understanding of effective communication skills used when interacting with patients, the public, allied health professionals and the dental team. Utilizing patient management software, the student will collect and record patient oral health records using the process of care model in keeping with clinical protocols, regulatory and legislative requirements. | ||||
DENT-1061 | Dental Radiography 1 | 2 | ||
This course provides a basic knowledge of radiation generation and factors influencing image formation. The student will become familiar with oral radiography equipment and the techniques for producing digital radiographic images of diagnostic quality. Quality assurance, health and safety and infection prevention and control measures will be introduced in accordance with current legislation, guidelines and standards. | ||||
DENT-1058 | Head & Neck Anatomy | 3 | ||
This course provides the student with foundational knowledge of the human dentition including tooth designation systems, tooth surfaces and tooth development. It explores anatomical landmarks of the head and neck, the nerve supply and vascular circulation of the head and neck, salivary structures and the anatomy of the tongue. Students are introduced to the etiology, clinical appearance, symptoms, treatment and prevention of common oral pathological conditions. | ||||
DENT-1059 | Oral Disease Prevention & Treatment 1 | 2 | ||
This course introduces students to caries and periodontal disease processes. Through theoretical and case based learning opportunities, students will develop individualized approaches to patient education, preventive home care strategies and treatment recommendations that optimize oral health. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
DENT-3048 | Dental Practice Administration | 1 | ||
This course introduces students to the business administration aspects of a dental practice. Business management, appointment scheduling, dental insurance processes, employment standards and the regulations relating to privacy, security and retention of oral health information will be emphasized. Various roles and responsibilities of each member of the dental team will be explored. | ||||
DENT-3057 | Dental Laboratory Procedures | 1.5 | ||
This course builds on concepts learned in Level 1 of the program with the introduction of procedures common to the dental laboratory environment. Focus will be placed on the properties, manipulation, and safe handling of various dental materials and equipment. Workplace safety will be strongly emphasized. | ||||
DENT-3056 | Dental Radiography 2 | 2 | ||
This course builds upon Dental Radiography 1 and provides the student with an opportunity to further develop competency in achieving radiographic images of diagnostic quality. Patient management, specialized radiographic techniques and radiographic image interpretation will be introduced to further competency development. Students will demonstrate optimal quality assurance, health and safety and infection prevention and control measures. | ||||
DENT-3050 | Clinical Practice 1 | 4 | ||
Through experiences at both Fanshawe and community partnership locations, students will have an opportunity to contribute to the provision of oral health services in collaboration with other health care providers. Students will apply critical thinking, problem solving and professional skills while observing and participating in a variety of clinical settings. | ||||
DENT-3053 | Oral Disease Prevention & Treatment 2 | 4 | ||
This course builds upon the knowledge and skills attained during Semester I. The student will apply the process of care model (A.P.I.E.) to the provision of optimal patient care. Didactic instruction will be followed by practical experiences with manikin simulations and clinical peer sessions. An emphasis will be placed on current legislation and standards of practice relating to the designated Level II intraoral procedures. | ||||
DENT-3051 | Patient Care Procedures 2 | 3 | ||
This course builds upon the introductory theory presented in level one of the program. Focus will be placed on operative procedures performed in a variety of specialty practice environments including public health, oral surgery, oral medicine and pathology, orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, paedodontics, and prosthodontics. Students will also explore patient management and communication techniques used when providing oral health care services to the special needs community. | ||||
DENT-3052 | Nutrition-An Oral Health Approach | 3 | ||
This course provides an overview to the basics of nutrition as it relates to oral health. Dietary standards are utilized to assess nutritional needs for optimal general and oral health. Students will learn the function of various nutrients in the body, including signs and symptoms of toxicity and effects of food-borne and nutritionally related illness. Students will apply knowledge of nutritional principles when counselling patients and promoting healthy dietary choices that assist in preventing and controlling oral health diseases. | ||||
DENT-3054 | Ethics & Professionalism | 2 | ||
This course highlights the professional responsibilities of the dental assistant working with the public as a part of an inter-disciplinary healthcare team. Students will build upon the ethical and legal standards that apply to the professions working in a dental healthcare setting. Using a variety of ethical dilemmas, students will be challenged to examine and implement effective conflict resolution strategies that promote effective interpersonal relationships. | ||||
Level 3 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
DENT-5032 | Clinical Consolidation 1 | 5.25 | ||
This three week course provides the student with an opportunity to refine their clinical skills through hands-on experience in a private dental office. The student participates as a team member, completing all related duties of a Level I dental assistant. Emphasis is placed upon professional conduct, team work, and interpersonal skills. | ||||
DENT-5033 | Clinical Practice 2 | 2.25 | ||
In this course the student gains experience and competency in their Level II intraoral skills, according to the A.P.I.E. process of care model. The student will use a collaborative clinical approach with other oral health care providers. Emphasis will be placed on providing optimal, individualized client care in a safe and effective manner. The integration and application of knowledge from related courses continue to be essential for success. | ||||
DENT-5034 | Preparation for Practice | 1 | ||
This capstone course integrates and applies the knowledge and skills gained throughout the program to reflect on and discuss clinical cases and decision-making in practice. Students explore strategies to prepare for writing the National Dental Assisting Examining Board exam and complete group work using a case-based approach. | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 13 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program | ||||