
Level 1 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
WRIT-1048 | Reason & Writing 1 for Health Sciences | 3 | ||
This course will introduce health sciences students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. | ||||
EDUC-1097 | Student Success | 1 | ||
Students will be introduced to concepts of professionalism in the learning environment and in the Fitness and Health Promotion industry. In addition, students will discover their learning styles, develop academic goals, and learn the skills necessary to succeed in College; specifically, the Fanshawe Online Learning (FOL) System, time management, test taking skills, study techniques, and how to effectively work in a group. | ||||
MATH-1214 | Math for Fitness Professionals | 2.5 | ||
This course is designed to provide students with the necessary mathematical skills for solving problems in the Fitness and Health Promotion Field. The course will be specific for students in the Fitness & Health Promotion Program and will include various operations to assist in training clients. | ||||
ANAT-1042 | Anatomy & Physiology | 3 | ||
This course emphasizes motion and movement in the body by studying the muscular and skeletal system. Students will also learn the structure and function of other systems, mainly the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. | ||||
ANAT-1041 | Functional Anatomy | 2 | ||
This course emphasizes motion and movement in the body by studying the muscular and skeletal system in a lab environment. | ||||
PHRE-1050 | Principles of Fitness | 3.1 | ||
This course focuses on the principles and techniques of cardiovascular exercise and resistance training for healthy adults. By way of lecture and laboratory experiences, the theory, safety issues and appropriate progressions for effective exercise programs will be emphasized. Students will learn how to instruct and supervise clients in the proper performance of common exercise routines. This course also provides a personal experience in training. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
PHRE-3054 | Physiology of Exercise | 3 | ||
Incorporating a blend of lecture and case studies, students will explore the impact of exercise on aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. In addition, students will develop an understanding of the impact of training on cardiorespiratory fitness. | ||||
COMM-3067 | Professional Communications | 3 | ||
This course develops written and oral communication skills for students in both human services and health sciences fields. Students demonstrate the ability to write multiple examples of workplace materials. Focus is placed on research and academic writing, career development, professionalism in the students' field, and communication strategies to deal effectively with different demographics. By preparing promotional materials to market themselves in their specific field, researching and documenting current issues, and delivering short presentations to their peer group, students gain skills in effective workplace communication. | ||||
NUTR-1022 | Nutrition | 3 | ||
This course provides an introduction to the science of nutrition with particular emphasis on the basic nutrients, their sources and contribution to the normal physiology of the body. Nutritional concepts related to healthful diets, metabolism, and weight management will also be covered. | ||||
SOCI-3028 | Social Diversity in Canada | 3 | ||
This course guides students through a sociological analysis of multiculturalism and plurality in Canadian society. Topics such as race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social class will be studied, with an emphasis on equality and the individual's right to live in an inclusive society. Balancing historical and contemporary perspectives, this course aims to provide students with a sociological context for understanding the complexities of Canadian society. | ||||
EDUC-1225 | Team Dynamics | 3 | ||
This course emphasizes the development of communication and coaching skills relevant to sport and fitness environments. Classes and assignments are designed to give students an opportunity to practice interpersonal and group interactive skills. | ||||
PHRE-1052 | Movement and Conditioning | 3.1 | ||
By way of lecture and laboratory experiences, students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts in high-intensity interval training, circuit training, instability training and vocational fitness testing (e.g. police and paramedic). Students will also learn how to design exercise programs for improving a client's mobility, while also enhancing their aerobic and anaerobic capacity. This course also provides a personal experience in training. | ||||
PHRE-3059 | Fitness Appraisal | 1.5 | ||
In this course, students will learn how to measure body composition, muscular strength, power and endurance, cardiorespiratory capacity, and functional movement aptitude. Students will likewise develop an understanding of how these measures can be used to predict the health and fitness status of their clients. | ||||
Level 3 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
EDUC-3016 | Professional Practice | 2 | ||
This lecture style and small group discussion course will educate students on how to maintain a high standard of practice and therefore manage risk by understanding key concepts: code of conduct, scope of practice and best practices, as reflected by the leaders in the industry. | ||||
PHRE-3045 | Sports Injuries | 3 | ||
This course covers athletic injury prevention, recognition and management. By way of lecture and hands-on laboratory experience students will be exposed to a number of therapeutic exercise approaches and how to integrate these approaches within a fitness plan. | ||||
PHRE-3060 | Physical Literacy & Coaching | 2 | ||
Physical Literacy is based on the concept that individuals who are physically literate move with greater aptitude, which fosters stronger confidence across a wide range of physical activities. Grounded in Canada's Long-Term Athlete Development model, this course provides students with a framework and practical skills in instructing youth at various ages and stages of development. | ||||
FLDP-3060 | Personal Training & Field Prac | 3.1 | ||
This course provides students with practical field experience. Students will have the chance to work within our in-house Fitness Centre, personal train, and conduct fitness assessments on clients. In addition, students will participate in several fitness events and gain exposure to various fitness businesses in the London area. | ||||
PSYC-3044 | Health Psychology | 3 | ||
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of healthy psychology, as well as the benefits of exercise to psychological well-being. Some of the topics include; personality, motivation, psychological skills training, mental imagery, concentration, basic counselling skills, building client rapport, burn out and overtraining. In addition, negative health behaviours (I.e. eating disorders, exercise dependence) will be discussed. | ||||
ENTP-3002 | Entrepreneurship-Fitness Professionals | 3 | ||
In the competitive market that is fitness, the ability to attract and retain clients is crucial for success. This course provides students with a foundation in digital and in-person approaches to marketing and selling your services. | ||||
PHRE-3042 | Group Exercise | 1 | ||
This course provides students with experiential learning of group exercise leadership. Students will practice program planning, choreography, music selection, and class design in a variety of group exercise domains. | ||||
Level 4 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
Group 1 | ||||
PHRE-5003 | High Performance Training for Sport | 3 | ||
This course provides an overview of diet and exercise programming used for improving athletic performance and body composition. By way of lecture and laboratory experiences, students will learn to instruct, and properly execute, movements that develop explosive power and aerobic power endurance. | ||||
PLAN-3010 | Recreation & Event Planning | 2.1 | ||
In this course the student is provided with an experiential learning opportunity of planning a recreation event. The student will work cooperatively with his/her peers to plan, organize, administer and implement a physical recreation event designed for a specific target population. Theory content will focus on physical recreation concepts and principles related to program administration, specific target populations and other administrative responsibilities such as personnel, facility, and financial management. | ||||
HLTH-3061 | Health Promotion | 3 | ||
This course will build upon the student's knowledge of health promotion theory and practice. The processes involved in planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion are the focus of this course. The student will explore health promotion and the determinants of health from a current issues perspective and will acquire personal experience through projects/assignments conducted in the college and community. Additional theory content will focus on health promotion history, models, and exemplary programs and ideas. | ||||
PHRE-3044 | Exercise for Special Populations | 3 | ||
By using both lecture, small group discussion and laboratory experience this course prepares students to prescribe safe and effective exercise programs for a number of special populations including: individuals with a disability, children and youth, pre- and post-natal, older adults and chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Students will also learn about potential additional barriers often faced and how to guide inclusive physical activity. | ||||
PHRE-3061 | Careers and Professional Devel | 2 | ||
In this course, students will discover a variety of different employment opportunities that exist within the fitness industry. In addition, students will share and reflect upon their placement and field practice experiences. | ||||
Group 2 | ||||
Take FLDP-3061 or PHRE-5005 | ||||
FLDP-3061 | Field Placement | 2 | ||
In this course, the student will participate in an off-campus field placement in an approved fitness or health agency and continue building on the experiences within Professional Practice. During any field experience, the student must show and reflect on learning outcomes and employability skills of the Fitness and Health Promotion program. By the end of this course, students will have obtained at least 75 field-related hours. | ||||
PHRE-5005 | Field Practice | 2.5 | ||
In this course, the student will participate in an on-campus field practice consisting of training clients, conducting exercise classes, working at the Fanshawe Wellness Centre and participating in interprofessional education events. During any field practice experience, the student must demonstrate and reflect on learning outcomes and employability skills of the Fitness and Health Promotion program. By the end of this course, students will have obtained at least 75 field practice hours. | ||||
Gen Ed - Electives | ||||
Take 3 General Education Credits - Normally taken in Level 1 | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 18 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program | ||||