Office Administration - Executive (Co-op)

Office Administration - Executive-2023/2024

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

Group 1
ACCT-1034Accounting Fundamentals4
Employees require understanding and an ability to analyze accounting procedures as they relate to accounting principles.This course teaches students the accounting process from an administrative assistant's point of view for a service and merchandising business. Participants will learn to apply accounting theory and procedures to effectively record business transactions into the proper journal and ledger and to use this information to prepare accurate financial statements. You will learn the importance of adjusting and closing entries and the accounting terminology required to function effectively as an administrative assistant.
ADMN-1014Administrative Documentation 14
Keyboarding speed, accuracy, and technique, combined with word processing proficiency, are essential skills required to work in any type of business environment. Introductory word processing concepts and commands will be applied to the production and formatting of administrative documents. Students will apply proofreading techniques to type error-free e-mails, memorandums, letters, tables, and reports.
MATH-1143Fundamental Mathematics for Business3
This course provides the basic mathematical concepts which prepare students for success in their future courses, in particular focusing on computer applications and accounting. Topics are presented in the context of real world applications which students will encounter in the workplace.
BUSI-1156Strategies for Success1
This course presents and helps to develop some of the skills required to achieve academic and career success. Areas of focus include college resources, study skills, time management, academic integrity and calculating Grade Point Averages, among other skills.
MGMT-3052Understanding Workplace Behaviours3
This course provides an understanding of the field of organizational behaviour through investigating individual, group and organizational behaviours. Students assess their work-related preferences/behaviours using self-assessment surveys and reflect on the match between those and career choices. Students study organizational design, organizational culture, people-centred management, social perception, self-concept & personality, values/attitudes & job satisfaction, motivation theory, group development theory, effective communication strategy, and conflict & negotiation then apply these concepts to the development of an organization's human resources.

Group 2
WRIT-1032Reason & Writing Business 13
This course will introduce business students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking.
WRIT-1034Reason & Writing 1-EAP4
This course will introduce students whose first language is not English to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. Special attention will also be paid to developing academic vocabulary, correcting common ESL errors, enhancing academic listening and note-taking skills, and improving oral fluency and confidence.

Level 2
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
ACCT-3045Accounting 24
This is the continuation of the first-semester accounting course. Students will continue to study accounting theory with emphasis on inventories, cash control, banking, receivables, payroll, and liabilities. As well, students will use QuickBooks accounting software to manage business revenue and expenses, process payroll, reconcile bank accounts, track inventory, and create useful reports.
ADMN-3006Administrative Documentation 24
Students will continue to build text and data input speed and accuracy required to meet multiple deadlines encountered in subsequent courses, as well as in today's business environment. Proper keyboarding and proofreading techniques will be reinforced. Intermediate word processing concepts and commands will be applied to the production of business documents including multiple-page memorandums, letters, envelopes, fax cover sheets, merged documents, tables, and formal business reports.
ADMN-1013Office Procedures & Strategies4
Students will be required to prioritize and complete a variety of tasks that are indicative of the type of work they will be required to complete in today's office environment. Students will gain confidence in adapting to changing office environments, problem solving strategies, and providing exceptional administrative support. Students will learn the importance of customer service, telephone techniques, mail processing, and time management. A strong emphasis will be placed on learning electronic and manual records management, managing an Outlook account, and preparing for employment.
COMP-1100Spreadsheet Design & Production3
Spreadsheets are a versatile tool for both personal and business use. This course introduces students to the use of spreadsheets in a business environment. Students will learn to organize and analyze numeric data to create budgets, illustrate sales trends in charts, use templates for office expenses and sort data.
COMP-3019Principles of Dynamic Presentations3
This course focusses on acquiring effective presentation skills for the workplace. Students will explore presentation design and public speaking theory through applied experiential activities to build effective presentation design and speaking skills that can be applied in large corporate environments, small businesses, and office meeting environments. Students will learn to analyze a prospective audience, create credibility, improve influence, cultivate their natural presence, and regulate presentation apprehension and nervousness. Students will deliver informative and persuasive style presentations and will learn to give effective feedback through constructive criticism techniques. Students will learn popular presentation software and technology tools to support both face-to-face and virtual presenting.
COMM-3079Communications for Office Administration3
This course, designed for students who plan to work in the field of office administration, focuses on professional written communication skills. Students learn to prepare a variety of work-related documents. In addition, students learn about research methods and documentation formats. The principles of effective writing - organization, grammar, style, clarity and tone - are reinforced throughout the course. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the communication tasks and considerations they will encounter in the office environment.
COOP-1020Co-operative Education Employment Prep1
This workshop will provide an overview of the Co-operative Education consultants and students' roles and responsibilities as well as the Co-operative Education Policy. It will provide students with employment preparatory skills specifically related to co-operative education work assignments and will prepare students for their work term.

Level 3
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
ADMN-3004Administrative Documentation 34
Students continue to enhance their critical thinking, business vocabulary, and advanced word processing skills by completing a wide variety of realistic office projects for a fictional training corporation. They demonstrate their understanding of the processes involved in document production and develop the skills to work with confidence in any office setting. Students learn how to plan all details and provide all executive supporting documents for informal and formal business meetings. Students will also master mailouts and surveys and learn how to make domestic travel arrangements. Activities for setting priorities, time management, problem-solving, and assessing work habits are provided.
COMP-5051Executive Spreadsheet Applications3
The emphasis of this course will be on the understanding, interpretation, and analysis of spreadsheets, which are important business tools. Topics include building complex formulae, working with named ranges, exploring database functions, creating macros, and using advanced file techniques including linking, comments, and protecting information. Analysis tools include goal seek, pivot tables, and scenarios. Integrating spreadsheets with documents created using word processing will be practised.
COMP-3076Database Management Systems3
This course will develop the student's knowledge of database software. Emphasis will be on designing a table structure and forms, building basic and advanced queries, defining relationships, enforcing referential integrity, creating summary reports, performing calculations, and exporting, importing, and linking data from other applications.
COMP-3039Desktop Publishing3
Students will be introduced to all aspects of developing business documents and marketing materials. Documents produced will include brochures, newsletters, ads, web sites, and other business related documents. Design and colour theory will be explored along with various layout themes. Consideration will be given to differences between online and printed documents.
MGMT-3029Managing Human Resources 13
Managing Human Resources I examines the functions of a modern Human Resources Department as well as recognizing how smaller businesses can implement effective HRM policies and procedures. The course is designed to illustrate how a successful supervisor or team leader requires the necessary interpersonal skills to lead and direct others in carrying out these policies and procedures, focusing on the competitive, social, health and safety and legal issues affecting the management of people.

Level 4
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

Group 1
ACCT-3021Accounting 34
This course builds on previously acquired accounting theory while becoming familiar with all Sage 50 accounting modules. Extensive practice inputting source documents into company records in Sage 50 is emphasized. Students convert manual accounting theory to computerized systems. Financial statements, vendor, customer, employee payroll and inventory reports will be prepared.
MGMT-3033Managing Human Resources 23
This course is a continuation of Managing Human Resources I. Topics examined will include the strategic role of human resources planning, employee compensation and benefits. The student will also understand the nature of job analysis, evaluation, recruitment, and selection. From a human resources perspective, students will participate in the complete hiring process through an integrated interview process project.
MGMT-5058Applied Project Management Strategies4
Students will work in teams to plan all details and prepare all documents for a three-day conference. They will be introduced to the theory of event planning and apply this in all aspects of the project from venue selection to budget calculations, guest speaker selection and web site development. Students will use available file sharing applications to organize and share all their project information.
ADMN-3002Canadian Business in the Global Economy3
Current issues and trends affecting Canadian businesses domestically and internationally will be addressed. Topics include: types of organizations; significance of global economy; effects of sociology and politics on the conduct of international business; imports, exports, and customs; the nature of business management and management as it relates to social responsibility; organizational structure; financial systems; environmental issues; free trade; marketing processes; and business plans.
ADMN-3015Administrative Documentation 44
Students further enhance their critical thinking, business vocabulary, and advanced word processing skills by completing a wide variety of realistic office projects for a fictional training corporation. They demonstrate their understanding of the processes involved in document production and develop the skills to work with confidence in any office setting. Students master the use of tables, charts and reports while they learn how to research all of the steps in finding a position in the administrative field to prepare for a job search workshop. They will also research, plan, and produce all required documents and other executive support for international business travel. Activities for setting priorities, time management, problem-solving, and assessing work habits are provided.

Group 2
Take COMP-5056 or INNV-1001
COMP-5056Integrated Applications3
Using a project-based business simulation, students will apply decision making, critical thinking, research, teamwork, communication, and organizational skills to analyze business problems. Students will then apply appropriate strategy and technology solutions. Through real-world projects, students will polish their computer application skills while integrating their knowledge and competencies in meaningful work-related applications.
INNV-1001Innovation Applications3
Organizations and individuals need to be innovative to succeed in the complex and rapidly-changing global marketplace. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of innovation and how innovation applies to your discipline or field.Using this foundational knowledge, you will apply the novel and adaptive thinking processes and tools presented in the course to complete an innovative learning project in collaboration with other students.The project will be based on a real-world scenario with a defined scope as chosen by your professor. The project may involve external live clients and a multi-disciplinary approach.Throughout the course, novel and adaptive thinking skills as well as collaboration skills will be evaluated through self assessment.This course is designed to give students in certificate and diploma programs a foundation in innovative thinking.

Gen Ed - Electives
Take 3 General Education Credits -
Normally taken in Level 3

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 20 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program
