
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
FDMG-1113 | Food Preparation 1 | 4 | ||
Students will be instructed on all the fundamental cooking methods, terms and basic presentation of foods. It is an opportunity to learn the basic cuts and preparation techniques in a proper and professional manner. Student will have ample opportunities to practice knife handling and familiarize themselves with basic kitchen equipment. | ||||
FDMG-1104 | Basic Culinary Knowledge | 3 | ||
This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts, practices and terminology related to today's commercial food service industry. Students will build a repertoire of culinary theoretical knowledge which will compliment and expand on their practical studies. Students will also study a wide variety of topics including kitchen organization, cooking methods, heat transfer, stocks and sauces and explore, identify and classify the many commodities used in today's commercial kitchens. | ||||
BAKE-1021 | Bake Practical 1 | 4 | ||
This course will provide the student with an understanding of all practical basic preparation methods and general terminology related to the pastry department. The student will prepare basic muffins, pastry and pies, cookie dough, genoise, custards, cheese cake, pudding, meringue and yeast bread. | ||||
BAKE-1002 | Bake Theory | 1 | ||
In this course students will study basic ingredient and techniques required to build a solid foundation in the culinary and baking industry. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of the recipe, weights and measurements, kitchen terminology and production methods for baked goods. | ||||
DEVL-1049 | Career Preparation | 2 | ||
This course introduces students to the professional workplace and aids in preparation for placement. Students will complete safe food handler's certification. Students will discuss various foodservice workplaces and industry associations with an emphasis on the importance of continued professional development and the value of networking within the industry. Students will identify workplace expectations, the job search process, networking and interview skills. Students will prepare a self-evaluation of skills and create a digital portfolio. | ||||
WRIT-1042 | Reason & Writing 1-Tourism/Hospitality | 3 | ||
This course will introduce tourism and hospitality students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. | ||||
MATH-1210 | Math for Hospitality | 2 | ||
This course provides students with a review of basic and essential arithmetic and algebraic skills providing mathematical tools and concepts needed for a career in the hospitality industry. Topics include fractions, decimals and percentages, conversions between metric and imperial measurements and algebraic competency applicable to the travel, hospitality and culinary services. | ||||
NUTR-1018 | Nutrition-Intro | 2 | ||
After a discussion on why humans eat from a physiological and psychological perspective, students will examine the process of human digestion. Students will study macronutrient digestion and energy needs, tools that support healthy food choices and dietary information presented in Canada's Food Guide. The role of micronutrients in the body and allergens will also be explained in this course. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
FDMG-3043 | Food Preparation 2 | 2 | ||
This course takes the fundamentals learned from FDMG 1113 and enables the student to demonstrate and apply intermediate level culinary skills to cooking complete meals. There will be an increased focus on cooking a wide variety of proteins, sauces, alternative starches and working with ingredients suitable for special diets. Upon conclusion of this course, students will be proficient in the skills required to enter into their externship/apprenticeship placement. | ||||
FDMG-3044 | Garde Manger | 2 | ||
This is a second level food preparation course that will teach the student all aspects of working within the cold kitchen. There will be a focus on cold food presentation and garnishing techniques. This course will enable the student to work hands-on in the raw preparation of meats, seafoods and vegetables. Presentations of cold buffet is another important element of this course. The student will have an opportunity to create simple buffets and gain an understanding and appreciation of this form of food service. | ||||
FDMG-1064 | Purchasing & Menu Planning | 2 | ||
This course will introduce students to basic menu planning and purchasing. Through the course students will explore the history and purpose of the menu, different menu styles, how to develop dishes for a menu, and the truth in menu writing. Students will work collaboratively to develop a variety of food service menus, which will include understanding and using seasonal, organic foods. Students will be also be introduced to basic purchasing terms and basic ordering and receiving procedures. Basic recipe costing using current industry invoices will also be explored. | ||||
COMM-3080 | Comm for Tourism & Hospitality | 3 | ||
This course, designed for students who plan to work in the field of tourism and hospitality, focuses on professional written and verbal communication skills. Students learn to prepare a variety of work-related documents. In addition, students learn about research methods and documentation formats. The principles of effective writing - organization, grammar, style, clarity, and tone - are reinforced throughout the course. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the communication tasks and considerations they will encounter in the workplace in order to meet the needs of employers and/or the communities they will serve. | ||||
ANTH-1012 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | ||
Students will learn about fundamental concepts in Cultural Anthropology and how these concepts relate to their own lives and to Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts. Students will practice applying the theoretical anthropological perspectives to various topics and perform academic research and reporting. This course promotes understanding social and cultural behaviours and ideas within larger cultural contexts while encouraging global citizenship and problem-solving thinking regarding diversity, relationship building, and incorporating authentic cultural components in their chosen programs of study. | ||||
FDMG-1146 | Food Service Production | 2 | ||
Learning in this course will focus on key competencies such as knife skills, cooking methods and portion control. Students will gain an understanding of what it takes to work as member of a food service team and develop important organizational skills necessary to be successful in a fast paced, high volume, professional kitchen setting. | ||||
Level 3 - Externship | ||||
Take the following Mandatory Course: | ||||
NUTR-1015 | Field Placement | 4.8 | ||
The purpose of field placement is to provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate foodservice production skills in live client environment. Students will apply their skills in a practical environment with additional focus on responsibility, accountability and the importance of working with others as a member of a multidisciplinary healthcare food service team. Placement can occur with various industry partners, long-term care facilities, retirement residences, hospitals, correctional services and daycares. Students not guaranteed placement in London Ontario and may be required to travel for placement opportunity. | ||||
Level 4 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses | ||||
ANTH-1002 | The Anthropology of Modern Gastronomy | 3 | ||
By definition, anthropology refers to the scientific study of people, society and culture. Food will be studied initially on a historical basis by reviewing its origins in antiquity. The course will continue by highlighting, discussing and understanding food, and its key place in the study of culture. Ultimately the course will provide insight, in addition to, promoting reflection upon both current and future food issues. | ||||
NUTR-1011 | The Science of Food & Nutrition | 3 | ||
Study the classifications, physical structure, chemical composition and nutritive values of food. Emphasis on cellular respiration: how the most basic human unit, the cell, is sustained by and metabolizes nutrients. Explore how food production and preparation affects food and nutrition. Investigate current issues in food science and technology including functional foods, nutrient density, nutraceuticals and food additives. Gain knowledge on criteria for food claims and labeling and how this influences marketing of foods. | ||||
NUTR-1012 | Physiology & Normal Nutrition | 2 | ||
In this course the student will investigate the eleven organ systems of the human body, focusing on how nutrition impacts the health of each system. The student will be able to articulate the digestion and absorption of macronutrients, including the functions of the digestive systems' organs and accessory organs. Canada's Food Guide guidelines for healthy eating will be examined. Students will differentiate the nutrient requirements for each stage of life. The student will produce an nutrient analysis based on an individuals daily food intake record. | ||||
ACCT-1104 | Accounting Fundamentals | 3 | ||
In this course students learn introductory accounting, linking personal and business accounting concepts. Through real world scenarios students will follow the accounting cycle to manage transactions, journals and ledgers, learning to interpret financial statements for the hospitality industry. Students will learn basic payroll and to identify different inventory systems. | ||||
NUTR-1013 | Clinical Documentation | 2 | ||
This course will introduce the student to the clinical documentation required in institutional foodservice by the MHLTC. The student will study medical terminology commonly used in client/patient assessment. Students will practice methods of collecting and presenting information relevant to low and moderate risk nutritional assessments following Ministry standards. Students will be writing clear and concise departmental policies. | ||||
NUTR-1014 | Therapeutic Nutrition | 2 | ||
After a review of the physiological process of digestion; this course will introduce the student to various disorders of the human body. Dietary strategies and the rationale behind therapeutic nutrition modifications used to optimize the patient's health status will be presented to the student. The impact of illness on a client's food acceptance and tolerance will be discussed in the course. | ||||
HOSP-1013 | Employee Relations | 3 | ||
This course will explore the role of the food and nutrition manager as it relates to personnel management. The student will examine regulations that govern institutional foodservice in Ontario. The student will investigate the components of management focusing on planning, organization, directing, delegating, coordinating, and controlling. The course will expose the student to aspects of the hiring process, orientation, training, employee evaluations and progressive discipline. | ||||
NUTR-3008 | Nutrition Therapy Practical | 2 | ||
This course provides an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge of therapeutic nutrition to the production of foods required to support therapeutic diets. Each week the kitchen lab will focus on a specific diet related to a current nutrition issue; such as texture modification for dysphagia, low fat/high fiber for lower GI problems or high enery/ high protein for Cancer. | ||||
Level 5 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses | ||||
FLDP-3049 | Nutrition Practicum | 4.8 | ||
This Practicum is an opportunity for Nutrition and Food Service student to experience the role of a Nutrition Manager or Dietetic Technician in the workplace. The student will work 150 unpaid hours under the supervision of a CSNM member or a Registered Dietitian in a leadership role for a healthcare foodservice team. The student will be required to demonstrate the competencies of an entry level CSNM member. Placements must be in Long Term Care or Acute Care to meet the learning outcomes of the course. There are 25 hours of self-directed independent study requiring the student to complete weekly assignments during the scheduled placement period. | ||||
MKTG-3041 | Marketing Nutrition | 3 | ||
This course provides students an overview of the decisions that managers make as they participate in the development and execution of marketing plans. Students will explore a variety of strategies for the planning and promotion of nutrition and foodservice events. To review and reinforce management and leadership skills, students will work in groups to develop a retail outlet marketing plan. | ||||
FDMG-5018 | Auditing & Compliance | 3 | ||
In this course the participants will review standards pertaining to the daily operations of food service in the health care sector. Students will review policy outlined by governing regulatory bodies. Students will be introduced to the Quality Assurance Process. Students will participate in the auditing process using a variety of problem solving practices. | ||||
FINA-3038 | Finance for Food & Nutrition Management | 3 | ||
This course will build on content introduced in ACCT 1104. The student will apply basic financial concepts to food service operations. They will apply specific elements of the budget directly related to food service into professional documents, such as staffing proposals, meal day calculations, catering proposals, and formal budget reports. Students will identify methods to control costs and analyze budget variances. They will review the concepts involved in capital/operational expenditures and budget development. Students will present cost control ideas that are easy to implement and have a positive effect on the budget without risk or loss of quality. | ||||
NUTR-3006 | Nutrition Screening | 3 | ||
In this course the student will demonstrate the systematic problem-solving method of NCP (Nutrition Care Plan) including critical thinking and decisions regarding practice-related nutritional problems. The steps of the NCP will be examined including patient interviewing, nutrition screening, assessment, diagnosis, intervention and monitoring and evaluation. | ||||
MGMT-3099 | Facilities Management | 3 | ||
In this course, students will discuss the daily operations of a property, including strategic planning, design and workflow, sanitation and infection control, sustainable practices and emergency preparedness. Students will review elements of the food service, housekeeping, laundry and maintenance departments in relation to their own role as part of the management team in the workplace. | ||||
Gen Ed - Electives | ||||
Take 3 General Education Credits - Normally taken in Level 2 | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 21 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program | ||||