Broadcasting - Radio and Media Production


Broadcasting - Radio and Media Production-2025/2026

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
WRIT-1037Reason & Writing 1-Contemporary Media3
This course will introduce contemporary media students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking.
MKTG-1110Marketing & Media Foundations2
This course focuses on an introduction to integrated marketing communications and its reciprocal impact on the media industry. Students will learn how businesses market their products and services to a defined target consumer. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify marketing opportunities associated with a product or service and build a media plan to exploit those opportunities.
RADO-1042Announcing & Show Preparation3
Students will learn the basics of on-air announcing techniques. This course will have added emphasis on adequate preparation to perform live on-air breaks, utilizing sources of information and other research tools required to create compelling, entertaining, and factual radio programming.
RADO-1003Radio Broadcasting-Intro/History3
This course is designed to introduce the student to the radio broadcasting medium through an examination of the operation of a radio station, the Canadian radio broadcasting industry and its history. This course will also help students prepare for their first practical shifts on The Falcon and CFRL.
RADO-1043Talk Radio 11
Students will learn the history of talk radio and how the format has evolved into one of the most popular forms of radio today. Students will learn the different types of radio shows, including podcasts, the importance of the talk show producer and the host's role in formulating strong content and opinion.
RADO-1005Radio Production 13
Students will learn the basics of radio production. The development of elementary production techniques (audio editing and the basic mix) using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) will also be demonstrated. Students will learn how to perform as an announce operator on Fanshawe Colleges broadcast properties.
RADO-1044Writing for Radio & Social Media 12
Through theoretical learning, students will learn what it means to be a copywriter and the importance of the position within the broadcast industry. Additionally, students will learn the similarities and vastly different approaches to writing for many social media platforms adopted by broadcasters. Supported by audio/visual examples and class discussions, students will discover how commercial and promotional messages should comply with the various provisions of the CRTC, Ad Standards Canada and the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council.
BRJR-1045Inclusive Journalism3
The course focuses on the role of journalists to cover racialized and marginalized communities in our diverse society. Students will be educated on the history and rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Unconscious bias is discussed, and how to have inclusive, diverse and equitable representation and perspectives in a range of stories.

Level 2
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
COMM-3075Communications for Media3
This course, designed for students who plan to work in the field of media, focuses on professional written and verbal communication skills. Students learn to prepare a variety of work-related documents. In addition, students learn about research methods and documentation formats. The principles of effective writing - organization, grammar, style, clarity, and tone - are reinforced throughout the course. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the communication tasks and considerations they will encounter in the media workplace in order to meet the needs of employers and/or the communities they will serve.
RADO-1045Radio Programming2
Students will learn how to schedule a broadcast day using broadcast specific software in addition to manipulating the database to prepare logs, add songs, modify clocks and prepare scheduling rules.
MMED-1072Video for Radio2
This course is designed to give students basic operational skills to shoot original video content with an emphasis on on-location type environments. Students will also be taught how to properly edit their videos.
RADO-1046Voice & Personality Development3
Students will continue to build their live on-air announcing skills using vocal techniques taught in this course. An understanding of how the voice is produced and feedback on their vocal style will guide development of effective modulation required to grow their unique on-air personality.
RADO-1047Writing for Radio & Social Media 22
Students will advance their understanding of broadcast writing for radio and social media and the importance of the position within the industry. Through practical and theoretical learning, supported by audio/visual examples and class discussions; students will continue to develop their craft while complying with the various provisions of the CRTC, Ad Standards Canada, and the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council. Practical components will include writing broadcast copy for radio and the supported industry social media platforms taught in Writing for Radio & Social Media 1.
RADO-3046Talk Radio 21
This course is designed to develop a student's ability to successfully host a talk show. This includes choosing topics, targeting them to the audience, developing opinions, and presenting arguments clearly and concisely.
MKTG-3043Radio Sales & Promotion2
This course will focus on the seven step sales process as it relates to the media industry. Emphasis will be placed on the application of sales for the purpose of generating revenue for a radio station. Students will develop their skills through real world interactions with a local business owner in order to build a radio advertising campaign.
RADO-1010Radio Production 23
Students will further develop their radio production skills by adding extra elements to the basic mix effectively and creatively. Students will learn how to use the Delay/Dump system while operating on-air through hands-on testing. Students will also learn how to properly record and produce voice tracks for on-air purposes.
This course provides students the opportunity to identify, explore, and share miskasowin, as well as discover music from alternative perspectives. Students will engage in reflective practice through conversation, collaboration, and storytelling. Each student's learning journey will investigate their own miskasowin and the role that music has played to impact their daily existence.

Level 3
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course.
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
RADO-5002Voice Acting & Development 12
This course will advance the student's skills in voice acting and storytelling by writing and performing commercial messages and remote cut-ins, identifying the client's creative needs, while examining the impact dramatic reads and character voices can have on radio audiences.
RADO-3047Broadcast Operations & Trends 13
This course will teach students how to use the current systems used to operate all of the properties associated with the Broadcasting - Radio and Media Production program. Students will learn how these practices mirror industry standards though ongoing review and open discussions revolving around current news and trends within the radio industry. Students will also create video and social media content to not only support current station operation needs, but to develop those skills for industry use.
RADO-3031Radio Production 32
This course is designed to develop the students' ability to develop marketable production skill-sets. Students will be introduced to creating detailed and accurate soundscapes in order to improve skills learned in Production I and Production II, with a shift in focus to creative production.
DIGL-1030Digital Media Design3
This course will provide the radio broadcasting student an introduction to basic design elements in creating on-line static graphics. Students will learn proper design layout and proper use of colour to generate web graphics for radio stations.

Level 4
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
RADO-5003Voice Acting & Development 22
This course will develop the student's ability to read non commercial/commercial scripted material including news, sports, weather and entertainment reports, along with advancing voice acting to an employable level. In addition, students will work on ad lib skills discovered through the practice of interviewing and dramatic reading focussed on storytelling.
RADO-3048Broadcast Operations & Trends 23
Supporting the efforts of all students enrolled in Station Operation courses, while further developing industry skills and exploring current trends, this class will develop, organize, coordinate and provide daily practical support for all properties associated with the Broadcasting - Radio and Media Production program. Students will learn to critically analyze videos and social media posts created for radio, and critically analyze local/national broadcast markets.
RADO-3049Radio Management & Career Development4
The course is designed to develop a student's knowledge of various occupations and operations within broadcasting. Students will identify the roles and functions of individuals and departments along with knowledge of new broadcast media. Students will also prepare for second year operation of CIXX-FM by engaging in training shifts and learning the format of the station. This course also teaches the student how to acquire marketable job skills and establish a focused plan to secure employment. Students will also be required to create a resume, cover letter, and portfolio.

Add'l Requirement
Take 3 of the following courses -
Normally taken in Levels 3 (1 course) and 4 (2 courses)
RADO-3037 RADO-3032 RADO-3033 RADO-3035 RADO-3034
RADO-3038 RADO-3036 RADO-3044 RADO-3039 RADO-3040
RADO-3042 RADO-3041 RADO-3045 RADO-3043
RADO-3037Station Operations 1-Talk10
This course will enable the radio broadcasting student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year Talk courses and apply them towards developing and creating talk programming for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3032Station Operations 1-Talent Development10
This course will enable the student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year Announcing & Show Prep and Voice & Personality Development courses and apply them towards creating focused, targeted on-air content for all Fanshawe College media properties.
RADO-3033Station Operations 1-Production10
This course will enable the radio broadcasting student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year production courses and apply them towards developing and creating properly produced content for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3035Station Operations 1-Promotion10
This course will enable the radio broadcasting student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year sales, marketing, and promotions courses and apply their learned skills in the day-to-day operation for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties by developing targeted station and community promotions.
RADO-3034Station Operations 1-Programming10
This course will enable the radio broadcasting student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year radio programming courses and apply them towards programming for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3038Station Operations 1-Writing10
This course will enable the radio broadcasting student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year writing courses and apply them towards developing and creating focused, targeted commercial, promotional, and other written content for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3036Station Operations 1-Sales10
This course will enable the radio broadcasting student to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year sales, marketing, and promotions courses and apply their learned skills in the day-to-day operation of all Fanshawe College broadcast properties. Students will be required to perform sales calls and work with community partners in developing targeted marketing plans.
RADO-3044Station Operations 2-Talk10
This course is open to students who wish to continue in Talk as an area of study in Station Operations 2. Students will apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year Talk courses, and Station Operations 1-Talk, and apply them towards developing and creating talk programming for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3039Station Operations 2-Talent Development10
This course is open to students who wish to continue in this discipline at an advanced level. Students will apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in its pre-requisite course Station Operations 1 - Talent Development, creating focused, targeted, industry-standard on air and multi-platform content on all Fanshawe College media properties.
RADO-3040Station Operations 2-Production10
Students will apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained from Station Operations 1-Production, towards developing and creating properly produced content for all Fanshawe College broadcast properties. Students will also assist novice peers in Station Operations 1-Production by leading and supporting day-to-day production activities.
RADO-3042Station Operations 2-Promotion10
Students will advance their theoretical and practical knowledge gained during Station Operations 1-Promotions to a higher level. They will apply their learned skills in the day-to-day operation of all Fanshawe College broadcast properties by developing targeted station and community promotions.
RADO-3041Station Operations 2-Programming10
This course is open to students who wish to continue in Programming as an area of study in Station Operations 2. Students will apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in first year radio programming courses, and Station Operations 1-Programming, and apply them towards programming on all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3045Station Operations 2-Writing10
This course is open to students who wish to continue Writing from Station Operations 1. Students will apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained Station Operations 1-Writing, and apply them towards developing and creating focused, targeted commercial, promotional, and other written content on all Fanshawe College broadcast properties.
RADO-3043Station Operations 2-Sales10
Students will advance their theoretical and practical knowledge gained during Station Operations 1-Sales. They will apply their learned skills in the day-to-day operation of Fanshawe College's four broadcast properties. Students will be required to perform sales calls and work with community partners in developing targeted marketing plans.

Gen Ed - Electives
Take 3 General Education credits -
Normally taken in Level 3

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 24 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program



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