Career Development Practitioner

Career Development Practitioner-2023/2024

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
Expected Availability
CreditsFall Winter Summer
Orientation to Employment CounsellingSOCI-60013NoYesNo
This course provides the learner with an overview of introductory theory and skills pertaining to the helping relationship process. Specifically, the learner will engage in learning projects, which allows for skill development related to self-understanding, listening, non-verbal and verbal communication, assessment and constructive feedback. Students will have the opportunity to conduct a basic employment interview session.
The Role of Assessment InstrumentsSOCI-60023NoYesNo
The student will develop skills in the application of descriptive and inferential statistics in the field of career counselling. The learner will practice using assessment tools, to examine the procedures for using and interpreting data using a variety of other tests/tools. Ethics, limitations and cautions of administering standardized tests will be discussed.
Career Transition & Change ManagementSOCI-60033NoYesNo
This course will provide an opportunity for the student to acquire and refine knowledge, skills and abilities concerning several aspects of change and life transitions. The student will gain an understanding of how change affects the working population through the examination and review of selected theories and models of planned change.
Sociological Perspective of WorkSOCI-60073NoNoYes
This course will focus on understanding the principles of industrial relations with an emphasis on ensuring that students understand their rights in the workplace. The lessons learned in the course are intended to have application to the student's personal life and work life.
Entrepreneurism & Program ManagementSOCI-60083NoYesNo
This course explores the roles of the entrepreneur in career development orientated organizations and the entrepreneur work in the private sector; allowing the student to access their own entrepreneurial traits & strategies for intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial endeavors. Market research techniques and marketing strategies will be developed at the micro-individual level and macro-agency or private business level. Operational and financial planning will also be examined.
Counselling Diverse/Special Needs GroupsSOCI-60093NoNoYes
This course will allow the Career Counsellor to identify characteristics, barriers to employment and strategies to support a variety of special groups. These groups include people with disabilities, displaced workers, older workers, youth, immigrants and visible minorities, persons with learning disabilities, the mentally ill, ex-offenders, persons with developmental disabilities, Ontario Works Clients, Indigenous people, women, men and the working poor.
Career CounsellingSOCI-60103YesNoNo
The principles of the career counselling process are explored in this course. Theory is linked to practice and students are exposed to a variety of strategies to use with clients in both the individual and group settings. Students will have the opportunity to work with and practice a model of career counselling in which they will be discussing their experiences with their classmates.
Labour Market Career DevelopmentSOCI-60173YesNoNo
This course will provide a global approach to the dramatic changes in the workplace and its fluid reactive trends. Course topics include; the globalization of the economy, the diffusion of micro technologies, industrial shifts, the growth of non-standard employment, cultural diversity and demographic shifts on future work will all be examined in their inter-relational context. This course will also examine permanent economic change; new work patterns, and promote the development of critical analysis for the career decision-making process.
Applied Organizational PsychologySOCI-60123NoNoYes
Students completing this course will have the skills to facilitate goal setting, problem solving, conflict resolution, strategic planning and other group activities.
Field Placement Career DevelopmentFLDP-60214YesYesYes
Students will work with a mentor to create a learning contract, which will provide experiences to practice their career counselling skills and theories, and further gain experience in the career development field. Students will do self-reflection, journaling and other learning activities throughout this course. Students will be begin to develop a network and make contracts within this feild. (All courses in the program should be completed prior to this placement course)
Ethics in Career DevelopmentSOCI-60163YesNoNo
This course reviews the Canadian Standards and Guidelines of the code of ethics of career development with special emphasis on the professional behaviour, interpersonal competence, needs assessment and referral associated within the role. Students will also understand the code of ethics, within client facilitations and counselling, community building, and information and resource management.

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 9 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program
