High school students typically choose to do an extra year of secondary school for two reasons. They either need to take university-level courses or a year to mature before spending valuable time and money at university or college.
Why Fanshawe?
Fanshawe College provides both university-level courses and time for students to get comfortable with the idea of post-secondary life in a supportive environment tailored to the unique needs of students in their transitional year.
Instead of doing another year of high school, students now have the option to complete a year at Fanshawe that:
- counts towards a post-secondary certificate,
- provides transfer credits to articulated universities, and
- allows students to upgrade and complete courses toward career programs at college.
What we offer
Post-Secondary Transition Year:
Choose the stream that works best for you. Establish a post-secondary academic record, gain experience, complete Math, Science, and English credits at the 'C' and 'U'-level, and ease the course load in your future studies.
University Preparatory Studies Year:
Prepare for university-level academic rigor, and take a university course by selecting from the full-year 7000-level courses we offer that are directly transferrable to Western University: English, First Nations Studies, History of Western Art, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and Women’s Studies.
Want to learn more?
Contact our Program Coordinator, Chris Monteith, at 519-452-4430 ext. 4044 or cmonteith@fanshawec.ca.