
Start Your Own HVAC Company - Micro-credential

The HVAC industry has undergone many significant changes in the last few years. This micro-credential will help you evaluate or build your business plan. Join us for this four-session course where we examine what you need to do to start a successful business in the HVAC industry. In these sessions, learners will examine regulations, insurance required, certifications, licensing, and develop a business plan that focuses on how to market your business, how to build your reputation, and how to use social media to your advantage to promote your business. Learning Outcomes: 1. Investigate licensing and insurance requirements for an HVAC business 2. Participants will create a Business Plan focused on the HVAC industry 3. Learn how to build their reputation using a combination of traditional media, social media and testimonials 4. Utilize prescriptive selling as part of their consultative process Total class hours: 12
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Business, Finance & Administration

Course Offerings

Summer 2025

Woodstock Campus - Metcalfe
Days & Times: Wed 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Section Number:

Course Details

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