
Photoshop Level 1

This course will develop the student's design and image creation skills using Adobe Photoshop. Students will be introduced to the tools and commands of this extremely popular digital imaging/web image program. These will include the input of photographic images, selection of specific picture areas for adjustment, use of special tools to control such functions as colorizing, blurring, distorting, adding text, combining images, and the basic process of preparing the file for outputting to hardcopy. The visual elements used in the design of web material must have both appeal and functionality. Knowledge of how to create images for the appropriate media and the technical/design aspects of a project are indispensable skills required of today's Web Developer.
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Computers, Design, and Media

Course Offerings

Fall 2024

London Campus Off Site
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
14 days after course start date

Course Details

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