
Revit for Design - Level 1 - Microcredential

Revit is a powerful software program that has revolutionized the way designers document and collaborate on building projects. Developed by Autodesk, Revit allows the designer to create detailed building designs, visualize the project in 3D, and produce detailed documentation and construction drawings. Revit for Design Level 1: Learners will set up levels to generate floor plans and create virtual buildings in 3D by creating the basic building structure (rooms, stairs etc.). Learners will use annotations to assess room labels and dimensions, and will create printable pages with title blocks. Learning Outcomes: 1. Install Revit 2. Start Revit with a template file 3. Add Levels to generate floorplans 4. Add various wall types both exterior and interior 5. Add different window and door types 6. Add floor slabs 7. Add ceilings 8. Add Roofs 9. Add stairs and railings 10. Add Annotations (room labels, dimensions) 11. Set up Printable pages Total class hours - 20
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Computers, Design, and Media

Course Offerings

Fall 2024

London Campus Off Site
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
1 business day before third class

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