
Finance & Accountability in ECE - Microcredential

Finance & Accountability in ECE will help students acquire fundamental financial management skills specific to Ontario's child care centers as they master budgeting, financial analysis, fundraising, and revenue generation strategies to ensure financial sustainability. Understanding the importance of transparency and accountability, students will learn to make informed financial decisions and create a comprehensive financial plan, fostering the long-term success of child care centers in the community. Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the financial challenges and opportunities unique to child care centers in Ontario. 2. Create and manage a budget that optimizes resources while ensuring high-quality services for children and families. 3. Analyze financial data to make informed decisions and track the financial health of a child care center. 4. Develop strategies for fundraising, grant applications, and other revenue generation methods within the child care sector. 5. Understand the importance of accountability and transparency in financial management for child care centers. 6. Produce a comprehensive financial plan that promotes sustainability and accountability for a child care center in Ontario. Total class hours - 15
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Education, Community & Social Services

Course Offerings

Fall 2024

London Campus Off Site
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
3 days before first class

Course Details

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