
The Dementia Caregiver - Microcredential

Through virtual lecture, case scenarios, and discussion, this microcredential provides tools for learners to better understand the experience of dementia caregivers. Learners will assess the caregiving role, the impact of stress, burden, and burnout, and coping strategies to utilize as caregivers. This micro credential would be suitable for informal and formal caregivers, as well as health and social care workers who support caregivers. Upon completion of this micro credential, learners will develop a knowledge of: . The caregiver profile . The caregiving role . The impact of stress, burden, and burnout . Coping skills, such as meaning making . Additional tools and resources Total class hours: 3
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Education, Community & Social Services

Course Offerings

Fall 2024

London Campus Off Site
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
3 days before first class

Course Details

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