The study of labour relations provides the backdrop for understanding the relationships between management, union, the government, the public and other stakeholders. Students will learn to develop strategies to contribute to organizational effectiveness through good employee and labour relations. The historical, environmental, constitutional and legislative framework will provide the foundation for an in-depth examination of the modern Canadian labour relations experience. Union recognition and the collective agreement, its content and its negotiation will be examined in detail. Considering that one in every five employees in Canada works in the public sector, special attention will also be paid to public sector unions. This course is HRPA approved and is required to write the Comprehensive Knowledge Exam 1 (CKE1) and/or the Comprehensive Knowledge Exam 2 (CKE2). These exams are part of the attainment of the externally accredited entry level Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation (CKE1) and/or the advanced level Certified Human Resources Leader (CHRL) designation (CKE2), respectively. You must achieve a minimum of 65% in any one of the nine CHRP/CHRL courses and an overall average of 70% in these nine courses to be eligible to write the CKE1 and/or CKE 2. For further information on this designation, please see: