
RT Skills Essentials - Lab - Micro-credential

This micro-credential provides respiratory therapists with the opportunity to apply knowledge into practice. Learners will practice hands on skills required for safe care related to airway management, mechanical ventilation, and therapeutic procedure for patients of all ages. This micro-credential is intended for learners who want to refresh their knowledge to transition roles or enter the profession after a period away. This micro-credential will cover application of oxygen and aerosol delivery devices, airway equipment and adjuncts and ventilation equipment and strategies, patient assessment, as per the 2016 National Competency Framework. This micro-credential is delivered in person, at Fanshawe College in the Respiratory Therapy Lab. This micro-credential is independent of other micro-credentials in the series; however, a learner also requiring theory re-training is best served to take theory before laboratory skills re-training. Learning Outcomes: 1. Identify and apply oxygen delivery systems to all patient populations 2. Identify and apply aerosol delivery systems, including medication delivery systems to all patient populations 3. Identify and apply equipment related to airway procedures for insertion, maintenance, and removal of artificial airways, to facilitate patient airway patency. 4. Identify the therapeutic need and apply equipment used for suctioning of the oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, and tracheal airways, and breathing techniques to facilitate lung recruitment. 5. Identify and apply strategies for initiation, maintenance, and removal of invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation, and their clinical applications 6. Identify and apply principles of ventilated patient monitoring, including waveform analysis and identify patient-ventilator asynchrony. 7. Apply and manage vascular access through invasive procedures and assist /insert indwelling catheters for hemodynamic monitoring Total Class hours - 8.
Course Code:
Area of Interest:
Health, Food & Medical

Course Offerings

Summer 2025

Days & Times: Tue 9:00AM - 1:00PM Wed 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Section Number:
Refund Policy:
1 day prior to start

Course Details

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