Advance your career with a post-graduate program from Fanshawe
Today's job market is highly competitive and employers are looking for people who are skilled, professional and prepared to hit the ground running. Adding a post-graduate certificate or diploma to your resumé can help you stand out in the crowd. Our post-graduate programs, including graduate certificates, fast track and advanced diplomas, continuing education (CE) and part-time studies, are designed to leverage your existing college or university education with specialized, employable skills to help you launch your dream career.
Why choose a Fanshawe post-graduate program?

Checking your Graduate Certificate eligibility is quick and easy!
Answer five simple questions and determine whether you’re eligible to apply for admission into one of our graduate programs.
BONUS! You’ll also receive access to our latest Graduate Studies guide that will provide you with helpful information about navigating post-graduate options.
Choose from 50+ post-graduate program options
Choose from 50+ post-graduate program options
Get started by reviewing our post-graduate program lists below:
Full-Time Graduate Certificates
Part-Time Graduate Certificates
Other post-graduate programs offered:
Business Administration - Accounting (Advanced Diploma) - BAA2
Business Administration - Human Resources (Advanced Diploma) - BAH1
Business Administration - Leadership and Management (Advanced Diploma) - BAL1
Business Administration - Marketing (Advanced Diploma) - BAM2
Career Development Practitioner - CPT2
Developmental Services Worker (Fast Track - Diploma) - DSW7
Early Childhood Education (Fast Track - Diploma) - ECE6
Early Childhood Education (Fast Track - Weekend College - Diploma) - ECE7
Mental Health Nursing (CE - Graduate Certificate) - MNH1