
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
Group 1 | ||||
ACCT-1100 | Principles of Accounting 1 | 3 | ||
This course introduces the student to the Principles of Accounting, and includes an exploration of the underlying concepts that guide the preparation of accounts for individuals and organizations. It is designed to teach the student, regardless of program destination, an essential life skill - an understanding of Net Worth, and its importance to business success and the financial well being of the individual. | ||||
MKTG-1012 | Principles of Marketing 1 | 3 | ||
This course is designed to provide an overview of the decisions that face Marketers in today's fast-paced and competitive business environment. Students will learn that marketing is not only advertising but a broad set of activities designed to satisfy consumer needs and wants. Students examine the information Marketers require for effective decision-making and learn the basic elements of the marketing planning process. | ||||
MATH-1052 | Business Math | 3 | ||
This course provides a review of basic arithmetic and algebra as well as providing students with mathematical tools and concepts needed for other college courses and in future employment. This course is to prepare students for later courses in Marketing, Business, Financial Planning, Accounting, Purchasing and Insurance. | ||||
BUSI-1060 | Strategies for Success | 1 | ||
This course presents and helps to develop some of the skills required to achieve academic and career success. Areas of focus include college resources, study skills, time management, academic integrity, emotional self-awareness and social skills development. Additionally, emphasis is placed on career readiness and preparation. | ||||
BUSI-1005 | Introduction to Business Processes | 3 | ||
This course explores the various functional areas of business in Canada and demonstrates the interrelationship among these areas. Students are introduced to many concepts, including major business trends, the role of government in business, marketing, operations, employee-management issues, financial resources management, business ethics and social responsibility. | ||||
Group 2 | ||||
TAKE WRIT-1032 OR COMM-1023 | ||||
WRIT-1032 | Reason & Writing Business 1 | 3 | ||
This course will introduce business students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. | ||||
COMM-1023 | Business Communication | 3 | ||
The course is designed to establish a foundation for business communications through the development of writing, editing, reading, and basic computer skills. The student will plan, write, edit, and format material for production of work-related communications such as emails, memos, letters, reports and presentations. Correct writing is emphasized. Research skills are also taught. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
ACCT-1097 | Applied Computer App's for Accounting 1 | 3 | ||
ACCT-1097 provides students with computer and accounting software skills with specific focus on Microsoft Excel. Throughout the course, emphasis is put on software utilization within accounting situations and use of accounting specific functions. | ||||
ACCT-1011 | Principles of Accounting 2 | 5 | ||
This course extends the introductory principles of Financial Accounting. Students will deepen their understanding of financial record-keeping by studying asset, liability, and equity accounts, along with the nuances of revenue and expense tracking. The curriculum also covers the distinct accounting requirements for partnerships and corporations and focuses on the critical evaluation of financial statements, including balance sheets and income statements. Additional topics include the examination of retained earnings and cash flows, along with an in-depth exploration of financial ratios. | ||||
COMM-3020 | Professional Communication | 3 | ||
This course develops students' literacy and professional communication skills. Students focus on current business issues and convey relevant meaning in oral and written format. The main themes of the course include writing reports and other relevant business documents (e.g. letters, short reports); communicating in groups and meetings; awareness of intercultural communication and diverse audiences; the job search (including resumes and cover letters); business; business rhetoric in speaking and writing; summarizing and evaluating current business-related readings; delivering presentations; researching and documenting reports using APA format; and self-editing skills. | ||||
ECON-1002 | Economics 1 | 3 | ||
Economics I is an introductory microeconomics course which covers a broad curriculum of microeconomic principles. Students will study the foundations of economic choice, market pricing, consumer behaviour, business decision making, market structure and policy development in a small open economy like Canada. | ||||
MATH-1175 | Financial Math | 3 | ||
This course explains the time value of money calculations used in Mathematics of Finance. It covers topics such as simple interest, compound interest, annuities-simple and general, bonds and cost-benefit analysis. | ||||
ACCT-1098 | Applied Computer App's for Accounting 2 | 3 | ||
ACCT-1098 teaches a practical approach to capturing, processing and communicating accounting data using accounting software. QuickBooks and Sage 50 software is used to record and analyze transactions. Accounting cycle topics include: daily and month-end entries, accounts receivable and accounts payable accounting processes, banking and reporting. The content of lessons, assignments, and tests are based on the practice(s) of accounting in Canadian Business. | ||||
Level 3 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
Group 1 | ||||
ECON-1005 | Economics 2 | 3 | ||
This is an introductory macroeconomics course. Students will study measures of macroeconomic activity, growth in the economy and the government's role in stabilizing the economy. | ||||
MATH-1045 | Statistics | 3 | ||
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of statistics. It includes regression analysis, probabilities and distributions, sampling, statistical estimation, and hypotheses testing. | ||||
FINA-3043 | Taxation 1 Personal Tax | 5 | ||
This course provides the student with a basic knowledge of the structure, purpose and administration of the federal personal income tax system. The course begins with an introduction to the Canadian personal tax system as well as administration and deadlines related to personal tax. It also covers the calculation of employment income (what income and benefits are included on an employee's T4). It looks at various personal tax credits that individuals are eligible for, how to calculate them, and the eligibility requirements. It also covers business income for self employed individuals/sole proprietorships and the deductibility of various business expenses, including capital cost allowance. The course also covers income from property rules and discusses the difference between the various sources of income for individuals. | ||||
ACCT-3036 | Accounting 1 Inter | 5 | ||
Intermediate Accounting I is a course that builds on the basic understanding of accounting principles. The main goal of this course is to teach students to determine what financial information should be reported and how it should be quantified and disclosed according to generally accepted accounting principles. This course focuses on financial statement presentation and the asset side of the balance sheet. | ||||
Group 2 | ||||
Students will be enrolled in one of the following courses: MGMT-3041 or INNV-1001 | ||||
MGMT-3041 | Organizational Behaviour | 3 | ||
Organizational behaviour (OB) theories and concepts are applicable to various work settings-private, public, for-profit, and not-for-profit. This course investigates how individuals, groups, and structures influence and are, in turn, influenced by behaviours in organizations. Discussion will focus on topics that include: history of OB; evolution of organizational structure, design and culture; work place productivity, employee skills and technology demands; conflict resolution; interpersonal skills; legislation related to workplace discrimination and harassment; leadership; and management of change, power, and organizational politics. | ||||
INNV-1001 | Innovation Applications | 3 | ||
Organizations and individuals need to be innovative to succeed in the complex and rapidly-changing global marketplace. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of innovation and how innovation applies to your discipline or field.Using this foundational knowledge, you will apply the novel and adaptive thinking processes and tools presented in the course to complete an innovative learning project in collaboration with other students.The project will be based on a real-world scenario with a defined scope as chosen by your professor. The project may involve external live clients and a multi-disciplinary approach.Throughout the course, novel and adaptive thinking skills as well as collaboration skills will be evaluated through self assessment.This course is designed to give students in certificate and diploma programs a foundation in innovative thinking. | ||||
Level 4 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
LAWS-3041 | Business Law | 3 | ||
This course is an introduction to Canadian Business Law with an emphasis on the law in Ontario and its practical application in business and accounting environments. A mobile computing course (laptop) integrates technology; the students will utilize electronic resources and acquire the ability to identify and respond appropriately to relevant legal situations. Course content includes the constitution and court system, torts, professional liability, contracts, property, security interests and business formations. | ||||
ACCT-3050 | Accounting 2 Inter | 5 | ||
This course builds on the basic understanding of accounting principles. The main goal of this course is to teach students how to determine the information that should be reported and how it should be quantified and disclosed according to generally accepted accounting principles. | ||||
ACCT-3022 | Cost Accounting 1 | 3 | ||
This introductory management accounting course teaches students to employ techniques such as job and process costing, general cost allocations, cost/volume/profit analysis, budgeting, and relevant costing. Students will need a laptop computer with Microsoft in particular Excel. | ||||
FINA-3044 | Taxation 2 Personal Tax | 3 | ||
This course provides the student with a basic knowledge to complete a T1 federal income tax return. It discusses the personal tax rules related to capital gains and losses, including the principal residence exemption, identical property dispositions, and personal use property. It covers miscellaneous income and deductions such as moving expenses, childcare expenses, pensions, and RRSPs, as well as other more complex personal tax issues. Finally, it covers sales tax, which impacts both individual consumers and those running businesses. | ||||
SYST-3002 | Business Information Systems | 3 | ||
This introductory course explores how information systems can be leveraged to transform business operations by examining system design, delivery and use. The goal of this course is to teach students to make informed decisions about the applications of information technology in a range of business sectors. In particular, students will analyze the strategic importance of hardware, software, networks, and databases to an organization's ecosystem. As well, students will explore current trends and examine solutions to common business problems through the use of database, enterprise, and decision support software. Finally, students will not only investigate the process for developing new systems within an organization, but also learn to anticipate potential problems and identify possible solutions to systems implementation. | ||||
MGMT-3011 | Project Management | 3 | ||
Project management is about meeting unique challenges. Project management involves understanding and managing the relationships between people and events, and the scarce resources of time and money. This course will provide practical theories for the successful development, implementation and evaluation of projects and events to meet the strategic and operational goals/objectives of a business. Students will be introduced to a variety of principles, practices, tools and resources to manage workplace projects personal projects and events. | ||||
Level 5 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
ACCT-5010 | Cost & Managerial Accounting | 4 | ||
This course is a continuation of the ACCT-3022 course which was designed as an introduction to management accounting. This course continues to introduce students to key concepts and practices of management accounting such as: job and process costing; cost/volume/profit analysis; variable, absorption and activity-based costing; master and flexible budgets; standard costing and variance analysis; information for decision analysis. Students will need a laptop, Excel 2007 and basic Excel skills. | ||||
FINA-3042 | Corporate Finance 1 | 3 | ||
This is a foundation course in managerial finance with an emphasis on the major decision made by the financial executive of an organization. | ||||
FINA-5010 | Taxation 3-Corporate Tax | 5 | ||
This course provides the student with a basic knowledge of the structure, purpose and administration of the federal corporate income tax system. It will also further develop the student's knowledge of the federal personal income tax system. It covers active business income taxation for Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC), including eligibility for the small business deduction and its various limitations and potential reductions. It also covers taxation for other corporations, as well as the taxation of passive income in CCPCs. As well, it looks at acquisition of control rules, loss carry-forwards and investment tax credits for corporations. Finally, it covers corporate management and compensation decisions, including debating the benefits of compensating owner-managers with salary or dividends. | ||||
METH-5020 | Quantitative Methods | 3 | ||
This course will introduce analytical techniques which apply a statistical scientific approach to decision-making and short-term forecast modelling. Students will learn how to implement topics such as sensitivity analysis, simple and multiple regression, and linear programming in order to support the decision-making process. | ||||
ACCT-5018 | Financial Accounting-Adv | 3 | ||
This course will build on the concepts covered in Intermediate Accounting. Focus will be on advanced accounting topics including partnership equity accounting, consolidation issues, foreign currency transactions, and translation of foreign currency financial statements. | ||||
Level 6 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
ACCT-5019 | Cost & Managerial Accounting | 3 | ||
An advanced level Managerial Accounting course, building on introductory cost accounting concepts to develop the students managerial decision-making skills. Further, the course equips students with data analytic mind-set, which facilitates identification of relevant information. Consequently, students are able to not only make predictions but also prescriptions with confidence. | ||||
ACCT-5001 | Auditing | 5 | ||
This course is an introduction to auditing principles and procedures applicable to external auditing. Topics include reporting; professional standards and ethics; legal liability; audit objectives, evidence and documentation; planning, materiality and risk, internal control, audit sampling and computer auditing. The course also addresses the details of audit work on specific accounts and assertions and concludes with the considerations of the completion of the audit. | ||||
FINA-5009 | Corporate Finance 2 | 3 | ||
Corporate finance 2 builds on the fundamentals of financial management taught in corporate finance 1 by examining the major decisions made by financial executives within an organization. Topics include: an analysis of the financial environment with a focus on risk and return, long-term financial policy, the cost of capital, dividend policy, and short-term financial management. | ||||
ACCT-5020 | Data Management & Analysis | 3 | ||
This introductory course explores the processes, methodologies and practices used to organize and transform data into information to support business decision-making, with a focus on the accounting function specifically. The course consists of a combination of conceptual and applied practice. Students will apply a data analytics model to solve business questions, by learning how to ask the right questions, extract, load and transform data, and present data using visualization tools. Students will work with relational database, spreadsheet, statistical programming, and visualization software programs. Technologies utilized focus on end-user analytics and data visualization. | ||||
Level 6 - Add'l Req | ||||
Students will be enrolled in one of the following groups: | ||||
Group 1 | ||||
MGMT-5048 | Professional Competencies | 3 | ||
This course emphasizes the integration of knowledge from more than one subject area or topic in accounting. The student will be required to combine knowledge of topics from different subject areas or knowledge of different topics within the same subject area and respond to real-life case scenarios demonstrating their competency in the given area. For example, in order to solve one case a student may have to demonstrate an understanding of tax, management accounting and financial accounting. In addition, students will be exposed to problem-solving approaches and tools to facilitate effective communication, time management and delivery of the results of their analysis. | ||||
MGMT-5034 | Strategic Policy & Planning | 3 | ||
Strategic management is a field of inquiry that focuses on the organization as a whole and its interactions with its environment. Strategy and policy are the means by which the functional units are bound together to produce a synergistic effect that will influence outcomes for the organization. This course explores the four basic elements of strategic management: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation, and control. This course will provide a bridge in the gap between theory and practice by applying concepts and techniques learned in earlier courses covering marketing, accounting, finance, management, production and information systems. | ||||
Group 2 | ||||
INNV-5001 | Innovation Applications | 3 | ||
Organizations and individuals need to be innovative to succeed in the complex and rapidly-changing global market place. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of innovation and how innovation applies to your discipline or field.Using this foundational knowledge, you will select and apply the novel and adaptive thinking processes and tools presented in the course to complete an innovative learning project in collaboration with other students. The project will be based on a real-world scenario identified in consultation with your professor. The project may involve an external live client and a multi-disciplinary approach. Throughout the course, novel and adaptive thinking skills and collaboration skills will be evaluated [and developed for GC and degree] through self assessment and peer assessment. This course is designed to give students in advanced diploma programs the opportunity apply innovative thinking to a real-world problem that they select. | ||||
MGMT-5034 | Strategic Policy & Planning | 3 | ||
Strategic management is a field of inquiry that focuses on the organization as a whole and its interactions with its environment. Strategy and policy are the means by which the functional units are bound together to produce a synergistic effect that will influence outcomes for the organization. This course explores the four basic elements of strategic management: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation, and control. This course will provide a bridge in the gap between theory and practice by applying concepts and techniques learned in earlier courses covering marketing, accounting, finance, management, production and information systems. | ||||
Group 3 | ||||
MGMT-5039 | Community Consultancy 2 | 6 | ||
This course will employ students in the pursuit of helping real businesses in our local community solve problems or realize opportunities. Community Consultants is a business consultancy operated by Fanshawe's Lawrence Kinlin School of Business. The Community Consultants is a 6 credit hour program that incorporates a Service Learning model, similar to experiential learning but also includes: academic enhancement, personal growth and civic engagement. This model gives students the opportunity to challenge themselves, work on a high-performing team while gaining real-world employability skills and a portfolio. Our clients benefit from and rely on your cumulative efforts to research, analyze and synthesize large amounts of data and to make recommendations. You will work alongside 2 faculty advisors and will engage and present your work to the senior level executives from the selected corporations we will serve.The Community Consultants is not a self-selected course as there are limited spots available on this team. You are required to submit a resume and cover letter to the Program Coordinator. An interview will be arranged thereafter. | ||||
Gen Ed - Electives | ||||
Take 6 General Education Credits - Normally taken in Levels 4 and 5 | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 30 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program | ||||