Carpentry and Renovation Technician

Carpentry and Renovation Technician-2025/2026

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
CONS-1047Drawings & Takeoff-Intro3
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the basics of reading building construction blueprints for residential projects. In addition, students will be introduced to basic construction quantity takeoff to help reinforce the reading and interpretation of blueprints.
MATS-1024Materials & Methods 14
This course, based on residential construction, will offer the students insight to both Methods and Materials involved in excavation, formwork and floor framing.
COMP-1327Computer Applications3
This course will provide a study of word processing and spreadsheet functions as utilized by the construction industry. This study will be applied to the efficient creation of reports and to the utilization of spreadsheets to produce construction project related data.
CONS-1076Forming & Framing3
In this course, students will apply residential building knowledge in a hands on, project driven learning environment. Building layout, concrete formwork and floor framing will be the main focus of study throughout the term.
In this course students will be introduced to the safe use, care and maintenance of a variety of hand, portable, and stationary power tools typically used in residential construction. The practical nature of this project-driven course will facilitate accurate, efficient and effective use of construction tools.
COOP-1020Co-operative Education Employment Prep1
This workshop will provide an overview of the Co-operative Education consultants and students' roles and responsibilities as well as the Co-operative Education Policy. It will provide students with employment preparatory skills specifically related to co-operative education work assignments and will prepare students for their work term.

Level 2
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
WRIT-1039Reason & Writing 1-Technology3
This course will introduce technology students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking.
CONS-5014Framing Methods4.5
In this course, students will apply residential building knowledge in a hands on project driven learning environment. Floor, wall, and roof framing will be the main focus of study throughout the term.
MATS-1025Materials & Methods 24
This course, based on residential construction, will offer the students insight to both Methods and Materials involved in framing and exterior finishing. Green and sustainable building practice will be an underlying theme throughout the course.
CONS-3020Construction Takeoff & Ordering3
In this course, the student will be introduced to general quantity surveying principles, and basic rules for take-off. Students will calculate lengths, areas, and volumes for a single storey residential/commercial building on a level site. Included will be the calculation of quantities in the following area: site work, excavation, concrete, formwork, masonry and framing. Students will incorporate blue-print reading, code requirements and safety regulations in preparing the above quantities.
DRAF-1060Graphic Communication2
This course will take the knowledge gained from Intro to Drawings & Takeoff and apply it to prepare preliminary and working drawings. Basic orthographic and isometric sketching skills, which are a useful communication tool on the job site, will also be covered.
HIST-1045Canadian Residential Building History3
This course is a study of residential construction techniques and materials in Canada from the Victorian era until the present. Significant developments in style, technology, and techniques of construction will be studied to provide the student with and understanding of the evolution of residential construction.

Level 3
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
MECH-1101HVAC Systems3
This course will provide the student with an understanding of the design and installation of residential and light commercial heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems as well as an introduction to estimating HVAC materials and pricing selection from common trade sources.
MGMT-1231Construction Administration 14
Students will be introduced to aspects of managing the operation of a business and management of projects from the perspective of general contractors. Students will examine the fundamentals of building code, permit process and project specifications. General business principles, human resources, financial management, job costing and contracts will also be covered.
CONS-3021Construction Estimating 13
In this course, students will take-off and prepare quantities for residential buildings. Included will be the applications of principles and recognized methods for take-off. The students will prepare quantities in the areas of foundations, wood framing, and exterior cladding. After preparing the quantities, the students will integrate material, labour, and equipment unit pricing.
LAWS-1030Contracts in Society3
This course will provide the student with an understanding of contractual rights and responsibilities in Canadian Society, as well as an historical understanding of the development of legal principles of contract law in Canada. This course will also focus on understanding the individual's relationship with others in society as governed by contract law.
MATS-3016Materials & Methods 33
Materials and methods applied in residential exterior finish is the focus of this hands-on course. Students will identify appropriate building materials, tools and processes necessary to install a variety of exterior finishes on a home. Practical skills will be developed during the lab component offered in a simulated work place environment.
SURV-1011Building Layout3
This course will introduce students to basic surveying methods and commonly used equipment. Exercises in leveling, setting grades, and building layout will be conducted. Students will be introduced to basic calculations for grading, lot bearings, and determining angles from bearings.

Level 4
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
MGMT-5073Construction Administration 24
In Construction Administration students will gain the ability to plan a residential building project and assess the feasibility of an income property from a management perspective. Students will demonstrate the use of computers and appropriate software to research, create and interpret relevant data necessary to complete assigned tasks. Group and individual exercises will drive the content of this management course.
COMP-5061Construction Software4
This course will introduce the students to computer aided design programs, which will enable them to access and manipulate residential construction drawings using design software. Other software will be introduced as a tool for creating conceptual models.
PLUM-3012Plumbing Systems2
This course will provide the student with an understanding of the design, installation, and terminology of residential and light commercial plumbing systems as well as an introduction to estimating plumbing materials and pricing selection from common trade sources.
ELEC-1142Electrical Systems2
This electrical course will give the students a basic understanding of electrical installation requirements and electrical terminology as it applies to the construction trades.
CONS-3045Construction Estimating 23
Students will continue to takeoff quantities for a 2 storey residential project including items of insulation, air-moisture-vapour barriers, exterior cladding, roofing and interior finishes. Students will continue to estimate costs using materials, equipment and labour unit rates, and determine productivity factors for these items of work.
MATS-5008Materials & Methods 43
This course will provide the construction technician student with the knowledge and skills required to plan, organize, and execute the interior finishing of a typical residential construction project. Students will continue the examination of materials, building techniques, planning and installation which will be used on the jobsite.
This hands-on project driven course will enable students to gain abilities in the advanced use of tools and equipment required in residential construction. Students will synthesize performance properties, potential and limitations of equipment, material and processes in order to construct five take home projects. Training and certification in the use of specialized equipment relative to the construction sector will also be offered within the course.

Gen Ed - Electives
Take 3 General Education Credits -
Normally Taken in Level 3

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 20 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program
