
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
WRIT-1094 | Reason & Writing 1 for Community Studies | 3 | ||
This course will introduce Community Studies students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. | ||||
EDUC-1103 | Educational Assistants in the Classroom | 3 | ||
This course provides an introduction to the foundations and principles of education, and the role of an Educational Assistant in a classroom setting. Students will learn how to differentiate their role from that of a teacher, the importance of confidentiality and safety in the workplace, and the value of personal and professional boundaries. Through research, discussion, and reflection students will develop an understanding of classroom setting and their responsibilities as an Educational Assistant. | ||||
PSYC-1101 | Interpersonal Development | 3 | ||
This course will introduce the concepts of bias-free values and multiple perspectives of diversity as foundations for effective interpersonal relationships. In this course, students will assess personal values and Professional disposition which influence attitudes towards and relationships with, children, families and colleagues. Sensitive, effective and supportive communication methods will be identified and practiced within the classroom setting. Both verbal and non-verbal communication skills and attitudes required for collaborative professional interactions will be emphasized throughout. | ||||
COMM-1141 | Working in Multidisciplinary Teams | 3 | ||
Working in an educational setting means interacting with people in a variety of roles, and knowing how to manage those relationships. Students will learn how to operate within a multidisciplinary educational team, develop communication and conflict management skills, and cultivate an understanding of professional expectations. Through role-playing, group discussions, and working through case studies, students will explore future workplace scenarios and learn how to navigate working on a team. | ||||
BSCI-1268 | Exceptionalities-Intro | 3 | ||
Every day as an Educational Assistant is unique, as they interact with a wide range of learners with exceptionalities. In this course, students will be introduced to communication, physical behavioural, intellectual, and multiple exceptionalities and the characteristics associated with each, while keeping in mind that each situation is unique. In addition, they will engage with assistive technologies that support independence and inclusion in the learning environment. Through research, discussion, and practical application students will develop their knowledge of working with learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
FLDP-1040 | Field Placement Orientation | 1 | ||
Students will be introduced to the profession and expectations of Educational Assistants. The class content will support the student in understanding the importance of building relationships with children, principles of practice, professionalism, as well as what to expect day-to-day. Professional attitudes and behaviours are expected at an introductory level. | ||||
FLDP-1041 | Observation Practicum | 0.8 | ||
Students will gain perspective on the role of an Educational Assistant, and what it looks like to apply the theories they are learning in the classroom to real life scenarios. This experience will expose students to a variety of situations they could potentially encounter during their career, and give them a better understanding of how an Educational Assistant operates in a classroom setting. While being paired with an Educational Assistant mentor who is currently working in a school, students will practice documenting without judgment, charting and data collecting, and reflecting while observing students from multiple age groups with varying needs. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
COMM-3082 | Communications for Community Studies | 3 | ||
This course, designed for students who plan to work in the field of Community Studies, focuses on professional written and verbal communication skills. Students learn to prepare a variety of work-related documents. In addition, students learn about research methods and documentation formats. The principles of effective writing - organization, grammar, style, clarity, and tone - are reinforced throughout the course. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the communication tasks and considerations they will encounter in the Community Studies workplace in order to meet the needs of employers and/or the communities they will serve. | ||||
ECED-3022 | Partnerships with Families | 3 | ||
This course identifies the importance of establishing respectful, inclusive and responsive relationships with families. Students examine positive strategies for engaging families that promote collaboration and well-being for children in their families. Students examine the role of advocacy and community resources and how they best support individual families and their needs. | ||||
RSCH-1010 | Observation, Tracking, Graphing Practice | 2 | ||
Being able to effectively observe, document, and assess a student's abilities in a learning environment will allow an Educational Assistant to successfully plan appropriate activities and accommodations for learners with exceptionalities. This course will equip students with the skills to know what to look for, how to properly record their observations, and how to interpret information on documents such as Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Through case studies, discussion, and relevant research students will gain experience in realistic settings that will develop the necessary skills they will need in their career as an Educational Assistant. | ||||
INFO-1271 | Technology in Education 1 | 3 | ||
Technology plays a valuable role in education, and can be a useful tool when working with learners with exceptionalities. Students will learn to develop strategies and opportunities that will allow learners to access the curriculum using assistive technology in accordance to their current needs and Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Through research, workshops, and hands-on experience with assistive technology, students will develop a working knowledge of the latest software for the classroom setting. | ||||
BSCI-1269 | Exceptional Learners 1 | 3 | ||
This course will continue to build on the knowledge acquired from Intro to Exceptionalities, and dive deeper into how students can support learners with exceptionalities. Students will grow their knowledge of communication, physical behavioural, intellectual, and multiple exceptionalities, as well as how to develop strategies to support independence and inclusion in the learning environment in accordance with their IEPs. In addition, students will study Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) to effectively implement strategies to reduce and prevent problem behaviours for the individual learner. Through analysis, workshops, and collaboration students will continue to develop their knowledge of working with learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
FLDP-1042 | Field Practicum 1 | 4 | ||
In an elementary classroom setting, students will have the opportunity to work with students with special needs in a supervised environment with guidance from a mentor. Students will use this experience to implement strategies that will help develop their skills to support learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
FLDP-1043 | Field Seminar 1 | 1 | ||
This course is designed to integrate theory with practice, as well as to provide peer support for problem solving and sharing successful practicum experiences. This gives students an open forum to write, discuss, practice and reflect on the skills, knowledge and dispositions needed to be successful in the field. The students will develop a professional e-portfolio as a tool for documenting their skills, knowledge of the Vocational Learning Outcomes and on going professional learning. | ||||
Level 3 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
PSYC-3040 | Developmental Psychology | 3 | ||
It is important for Educational Assistants to understand human development, and how change happens in each stage of life including, but not limited to, social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. Students will examine psychological theories, learn how to identify abnormal patterns in development, and how to apply create a positive and pro-social environment that promote growth for learners with exceptionalities. Through analysis, research, and workshops, students will cultivate an understanding of human development and how that impacts education. | ||||
EDUC-3018 | Education in the Classroom | 3 | ||
Educational Assistants need to have an understanding of the Ontario Curriculum in order to effectively support learners with exceptionalities in the classroom environment. In this course, students will develop their knowledge of the literacy and mathematics curriculum students will be learning. This knowledge will aid students' ability to implement strategies to promote and support students in the learning environment. Through research, case study analysis, and workshops, students will focus on meeting the needs of learners with exceptionalities in the classroom as it relates to the Ontario Curriculum. | ||||
EDUC-3019 | Instructional Strategies | 2 | ||
Every classroom is unique, just as every student is unique. Every student with exceptionalities learns differently and has diverse needs. Because of this, Educational Assistants need to be able to appropriately apply concepts such as differentiate instruction (DI) and universal design for learning (UDL) in order to meet their individual needs, and will allow them to participate and learn effectively in an inclusive classroom. Students will utilize applied research, discussion, and projects in order to develop their skills in planning to meet students' individual learning styles and needs. | ||||
BSCI-3053 | Exceptional Learners 2 | 3 | ||
This course will continue to build on the knowledge acquired from Intro to Exceptionalities, and dive deeper into how students can support learners with exceptionalities. Students will grow their knowledge of communication, physical behavioural, intellectual, and multiple exceptionalities. In addition, they will learn strategies to support learners with exceptionalities with their performance of routine activities of daily living (ALDs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IALDs), and continue to study Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Through analysis, workshops, and collaboration students will continue to develop their knowledge of working with learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
BSCI-3054 | Inclusion & Diversity | 3 | ||
The educational sector is becoming increasingly diverse, and Educational Assistants will need to know how to interact appropriately within that environment. Students will cultivate awareness and sensitivity, develop strategies to promote inclusion and equity, and create a safe and welcoming educational environment for learners with exceptionalities. Through case studies, research, and discussion, students will examine how inclusion practices enhance the classroom and reflect on best practices to support learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
FLDP-3044 | Field Practicum 2 | 4 | ||
In a secondary classroom setting, students will have the opportunity to work with students with special needs in a supervised environment with guidance from a mentor. Students will use this experience to implement strategies that will help develop their skills to support learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
FLDP-3045 | Field Seminar 2 | 1 | ||
This course is designed to integrate theory with practice, as well as to provide peer support for problem solving and sharing successful practicum experiences. This gives students an open forum to write, discuss, practice and reflect on the skills, knowledge and dispositions needed to be successful in the field. The students will continue to develop their professional e-portfolio as a tool for documenting their skills and knowledge and on going professional learning. | ||||
Level 4 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
BSCI-3055 | Applied Behaviour Analysis | 3 | ||
In any learning environment, being able to effectively manage behaviour is important if learning is to occur. In this course, students will learn how to identify challenging or problematic behaviour, develop a working knowledge of preventative and remedial interventions strategies, and how to properly document and assess the behaviour of learners with exceptionalities. Through case studies, workshops, and research students will learn how to appropriately identify and address behaviour management issues. | ||||
INFO-3167 | Technology in Education 2 | 3 | ||
This course will continue to build on the knowledge acquired from Technology in Education I. Students will add more strategies to their toolbox that will support learners with exceptionalities' independence in the classroom including devices including, but not limited to, listening or reading aids, computer software, and speech and augmentation aids. Through research, workshops, and hands-on experience with assistive technology, students will develop a deeper working knowledge of the latest technologies and devices for the classroom setting. | ||||
HLTH-3064 | Supporting Personal Care | 3 | ||
Educational Assistants will work with learners with a range of exceptionalities, including physical and medical. In order to successfully support learners who present these exceptionalities students will require a specific type of knowledge base including, but not limited to, feeding techniques, safe handling, toileting, positioning and transferring techniques, as well as assistive devices and mobility aids. Through workshops, research, and hands-on training, students will be equipped to successfully support learners with physical and medical exceptionalities in a safe and secure educational setting. | ||||
FLDP-5020 | Field Practicum 3 | 6.8 | ||
In an elementary or secondary classroom setting, students will have the opportunity to work with students with special needs in a supervised environment with guidance from a mentor. Students will use this experience to implement strategies that will help develop their skills to support learners with exceptionalities. | ||||
Gen Ed - Electives | ||||
Take 9 General Education Credits - Normally taken in levels 2, 3 and 4 | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 20 credits in the Program at Fanshawe to meet the Program Residency requirement and Graduate from this Program. | ||||