
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
Group 1 | ||||
BUSI-1156 | Strategies for Success | 1 | ||
This course presents and helps to develop some of the skills required to achieve academic and career success. Areas of focus include college resources, study skills, time management, academic integrity and calculating Grade Point Averages, among other skills. | ||||
INFO-1251 | Web Server & Network Fundamentals | 4 | ||
This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of web server and network fundamentals from a web programmer's perspective. Students will acquire the skills required to implement web solutions using common network protocols, with hands-on experience setting these up on both Linux/Apache and Windows Server/IIS web servers. | ||||
INFO-1272 | JavaScript 1 | 6 | ||
This course will introduce students to the JavaScript scripting language. Students will work with JavaScript to handle both simple and complex client side web page events with an introduction to client-server requests using AJAX. | ||||
INFO-1274 | Graphic Design for Web Developers | 3 | ||
Professional graphic design skills are critical to a web developer's success in today's complex work environments. This course provides students with a real-world application of practical graphic design concepts for web developers. Students learn colour theory and design principles, the difference between UX and UI, accessibility best practice, privacy, confidentiality and copyright. Projects are executed using industry leading vector, raster, and prototyping design applications. Students practice how to work individually and collaboratively to extrapolate from a design brief to a finished product and presentation. | ||||
INFO-1252 | Front End Web Development | 3 | ||
This course focuses on front-end web development languages using HTML and CSS. Students will learn the syntax and proper coding techniques of these front-end languages using basic design principles. Students will also be introduced to industry leading UI frameworks that will be used to assist in building their web development skills. | ||||
Group 2 | ||||
TAKE WRIT-1043 OR WRIT-1034 | ||||
WRIT-1043 | Reason & Writing 1 for IT | 3 | ||
This course will introduce information technology students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. | ||||
WRIT-1034 | Reason & Writing 1-EAP | 4 | ||
This course will introduce students whose first language is not English to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. Special attention will also be paid to developing academic vocabulary, correcting common ESL errors, enhancing academic listening and note-taking skills, and improving oral fluency and confidence. | ||||
Level 2 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
INFO-3174 | Web Security | 3 | ||
In this course on web security, students will learn the security vulnerabilities in web servers, internet protocols, and hacker attacks on web servers. Students will then learn the processes, techniques and operations required to safe guard websites through web server security. | ||||
INFO-3168 | JavaScript 2 | 3 | ||
This course will continue from JavaScript 1 and introduce students to object-oriented programming concepts using the Document Object Model (DOM) with various HTML controls as well as exception handling, event handling, testing and debugging techniques. An introduction to node.js will also be covered for web development leading into JavaScript 3. | ||||
INFO-1208 | PHP Fundamentals | 3 | ||
Students will learn the PHP language, main concepts, methodologies and best practices of coding professionally. Students will gain an understanding of essential elements of HTTP such as cookies and sessions, syntax, structural elements of PHP and accomplish tasks using array functions and interact with a database using PHP functions. | ||||
INFO-1273 | Databases 1 | 4 | ||
This course will provide an introduction to relational database system design for web development. Students will create a variety of simple databases using the Structured Query Language, and visually build complete database solutions incorporating multi-table relational databases, forms, reports, queries, and test data based upon typical web development requirements. | ||||
INFO-1167 | Business At the Speed of Light | 3 | ||
Increasingly, technology is used as the underpinnings to enable a new global business model. This course explores the fundamental concepts of business as well as the technologies that are used to facilitate a new era of entrepreneurial opportunities. Students are introduced to the role of business and government and explore the various types of business, business & marketing operations, and financial resources management. In addition, students reinforce their knowledge of the subject matter through a series of case studies that explore the use of technology to solve business problems and enable new opportunities. | ||||
INFO-3163 | CMS Web Development | 4 | ||
Construction techniques will be utilized to develop accessible, dynamic, and relevant websites using a content management system platform. Additionally, skills related to file management, planning and a variety of page functionality and design techniques will be developed. | ||||
Level 3 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
COMM-3077 | Communications for IT | 3 | ||
This course, designed for students who plan to work in the field of information technology, focuses on professional written communication skills. Students learn to prepare a variety of work-related documents. In addition, students learn about research methods and documentation formats. The principles of effective writing organization, grammar, style, clarity and tone are reinforced throughout the course. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the communication tasks and considerations they will encounter in the workplace. | ||||
MGMT-3052 | Understanding Workplace Behaviours | 3 | ||
This course provides an understanding of the field of organizational behaviour through investigating individual, group and organizational behaviours. Students assess their work-related preferences/behaviours using self-assessment surveys and reflect on the match between those and career choices. Students study organizational design, organizational culture, people-centred management, social perception, self-concept & personality, values/attitudes & job satisfaction, motivation theory, group development theory, effective communication strategy, and conflict & negotiation then apply these concepts to the development of an organization's human resources. | ||||
INFO-3170 | JavaScript 3 | 3 | ||
The main focus of this course is to provide the student with the opportunity to work with a specialized JavaScript and TypeScript structural framework for dynamic website environments. The content theory and projects will be based on Google's Angular CLI framework and Node.js back-end runtime. | ||||
INFO-3172 | Leveraging the Cloud | 3 | ||
This course explores the use of cloud-based resources that can be utilized when planning, developing and deploying mobile/web applications. Students will explore options for incorporating cloud-based tools and cloud-based solutions in an effort to build a cost-effective, scalable, and secure deployment platform to manage an application development effort. | ||||
INFO-3171 | User Interfaces & Data Visualization | 3 | ||
This course is designed to understand graphic representation of data. It involves producing images that communicate relationships among the represented data to viewers of the images. This communication is achieved through the use of a systematic mapping between graphic marks and data values in the creation of the visualization. | ||||
INFO-3173 | Mobile Development 1 | 3 | ||
This course focuses on an introduction to mobile development in the modern age through web development. Students will be introduced to Facebook's React Native architecture to code mobile applications. You will also learn how to resolve common mobile programming challenges and gain practical experience in developing rich mobile applications. | ||||
INFO-3169 | Databases 2 | 3 | ||
This course builds on the concepts of Databases 1 and introduces the student to larger client/server database systems. Students will design database entities base on real world web development scenarios, execute mathematical operations by planning database sizes, as well as analyze and evaluate database solutions. | ||||
Level 4 | ||||
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course. | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
Group 1 | ||||
INFO-5145 | Full Stack Deployment | 3 | ||
In this course students will learn how to produce live web deployments and server monitoring utilizing all the skills learned thus far. Students will learn the web developers full stack environment and incorporate a full scale web solution from concept to live online delivery. | ||||
INFO-5143 | JavaScript 4 | 3 | ||
This course is designed to further build upon skills learned in JavaScript 3 with a focus on modern, powerful JavaScript libraries. Students will gain advanced, industry leading development skills using server-side rendering (SSR) to provide a flexible, performance-oriented, componentized solution for highly complex websites and web app development using Facebook's React. | ||||
INFO-5144 | Mobile Development 2 | 3 | ||
In this advanced mobile development course, students will expand upon their knowledge from Mobile Development 1 and learn to create mobile games and apply the principles of user experience design to develop immersive applications. | ||||
BUSI-3040 | Small Business IT Strategies | 4 | ||
Web freelancers and small businesses compete effectively in today's marketplace. Students will examine entrepreneurship and business ownership while exploring ideas that can make a web development business competitive. Students will also participate in panel discussions and interviews with successful small business owners on entrepreneurial topics. | ||||
INFO-5146 | Web Development Trends | 3 | ||
This course explores a series of topics based upon emerging trends in the web technology sector. The main study of topic in this course is the use of blockchain and emerging networks that students will create their own research reports with. In addition to formal lectures, students will be required to apply their research skills to discover and understand these new and important technologies. | ||||
Group 2 | ||||
Take INFO-5139 OR INNV-5001 | ||||
INFO-5139 | Application Project | 4 | ||
This course introduces the student to developing business application software as part of a team using Agile programming practices. Teams will choose a development environment to create a term length, client or web solution for a project of their choice. Students are provided with an opportunity to create an end-to-end solution as a consolidation of all the individual skills which have been acquired in other parts of the program. Our course promotes independent research under your professor guidance, allowing you to select and implement your solution based on different technologies such as LAMP, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, REST APIs, MySQL, Mongo DB amongst others that have been learned throughout the program. | ||||
INNV-5001 | Innovation Applications | 3 | ||
Organizations and individuals need to be innovative to succeed in the complex and rapidly-changing global market place. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of innovation and how innovation applies to your discipline or field.Using this foundational knowledge, you will select and apply the novel and adaptive thinking processes and tools presented in the course to complete an innovative learning project in collaboration with other students. The project will be based on a real-world scenario identified in consultation with your professor. The project may involve an external live client and a multi-disciplinary approach. Throughout the course, novel and adaptive thinking skills and collaboration skills will be evaluated [and developed for GC and degree] through self assessment and peer assessment. This course is designed to give students in advanced diploma programs the opportunity apply innovative thinking to a real-world problem that they select. | ||||
Gen Ed - Electives | ||||
Take 3 General Education Credits - Normally taken in Level 4 | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 21 credits in this program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency requirement and graduate from this program | ||||