Office Administration - Health Services


Office Administration - Health Services-2025/2026

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:

Group 1
ACCT-1034Accounting Fundamentals4
Employees require understanding and an ability to analyze accounting procedures as they relate to accounting principles.This course teaches students the accounting process from an administrative assistant's point of view for a service and merchandising business. Participants will learn to apply accounting theory and procedures to effectively record business transactions into the proper journal and ledger and to use this information to prepare accurate financial statements. You will learn the importance of adjusting and closing entries and the accounting terminology required to function effectively as an administrative assistant.
ADMN-1014Administrative Documentation 14
Keyboarding speed, accuracy, and technique, combined with word processing proficiency, are essential skills required to work in any type of business environment. Students will learn how to type starting from the home-row position and then progress to learning the alphabetic, numeric, and symbol keys. In addition, introductory word processing concepts and commands will be applied to the production and formatting of administrative documents. Students will apply proofreading techniques to type error-free business letters, flyers, tables, and reports.
MATH-1143Fundamental Mathematics for Business3
This course provides the basic mathematical concepts which prepare students for success in their future courses, in particular focusing on computer applications and accounting. Topics are presented in the context of real world applications which students will encounter in the workplace.
BUSI-1060Strategies for Success1
This course presents and helps to develop some of the skills required to achieve academic and career success. Areas of focus include college resources, study skills, time management, academic integrity, emotional self-awareness and social skills development. Additionally, emphasis is placed on career readiness and preparation.
MGMT-3052Understanding Workplace Behaviours3
This course provides an understanding of the field of organizational behaviour through investigating individual, group and organizational behaviours. Students assess their work-related preferences/behaviours using self-assessment surveys and reflect on the match between those and career choices. Students study organizational design, organizational culture, people-centred management, social perception, self-concept & personality, values/attitudes & job satisfaction, motivation theory, group development theory, effective communication strategy, and conflict & negotiation then apply these concepts to the development of an organization's human resources.

Group 2
WRIT-1032Reason & Writing Business 13
This course will introduce business students to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking.
WRIT-1034Reason & Writing 1-EAP4
This course will introduce students whose first language is not English to essential principles of reading, writing, and reasoning at the postsecondary level. Students will identify, summarize, analyze, and evaluate multiple short readings and write persuasive response essays to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and critical thinking. Special attention will also be paid to developing academic vocabulary, correcting common ESL errors, enhancing academic listening and note-taking skills, and improving oral fluency and confidence.

Level 2
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
ACCT-3045Accounting 24
This is the continuation of the first-semester accounting course. Students will continue to study accounting theory with emphasis on inventories, cash control, banking, receivables, payroll, and liabilities. As well, students will use QuickBooks accounting software to manage business revenue and expenses, process payroll, reconcile bank accounts, track inventory, and create useful reports.
ADMN-3006Administrative Documentation 24
Students will continue to build text and data input speed and accuracy required to meet multiple deadlines encountered in subsequent courses, as well as in today's business environment. Proper keyboarding and proofreading techniques will be reinforced. Intermediate word processing concepts and commands will be applied to the production of business documents. Students will enhance page layout and design while creating a newsletter; work with templates, themes, and styles while creating a summary report; and use mail merge to create business letters, mailing labels, and directories.
ADMN-1013Office Procedures & Strategies4
Students will be required to prioritize and complete a variety of tasks that are indicative of the type of work they will be required to complete in today's office environment. Students will gain confidence in adapting to changing office environments, problem solving strategies, and providing exceptional administrative support. Students will learn the importance of customer service, telephone techniques, mail processing, and time management. A strong emphasis will be placed on learning electronic and manual records management, managing an Outlook account, and preparing for employment.
COMP-1100Spreadsheet Design & Production3
This 14-week course is designed to equip students with the fundamental skills needed to proficiently navigate and design spreadsheets using industry-standard software. Through a combination of independent study and collaborative group work, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of spreadsheet design principles and practical applications. Specifically, students will learn to design, build, and navigate basic spreadsheets for a variety of uses; apply and update formatting tools such as themes and cell styles; create and edit formulas depending on a variety of mathematical operations; master basic and intermediate functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTA, IF; sort and filter data; and determine which charts are appropriate to create, edit, and format based on data selection. Students will also learn the basics of cell addressing; inserting and editing graphic elements to enhance their spreadsheets; as well as how to use LOOKUP functions and the basic What-If analysis features.
COMP-3019Principles of Dynamic Presentations3
This course focusses on acquiring effective presentation skills for the workplace. Students will explore presentation design and public speaking theory through applied experiential activities to build effective presentation design and speaking skills that can be applied in large corporate environments, small businesses, and office meeting environments. Students will learn to analyze a prospective audience, create credibility, improve influence, cultivate their natural presence, and regulate presentation apprehension and nervousness. Students will deliver informative and persuasive style presentations and will learn to give effective feedback through constructive criticism techniques. Students will learn popular presentation software and technology tools to support both face-to-face and virtual presenting.
COMM-3079Communications for Office Administration3
This course, designed for students who plan to work in the field of office administration, focuses on professional written communication skills. Students learn to prepare a variety of work-related documents. In addition, students learn about research methods and documentation formats. The principles of effective writing - organization, grammar, style, clarity and tone - are reinforced throughout the course. The goal of the course is to prepare students for the communication tasks and considerations they will encounter in the office environment.

Level 3
Gen Ed - Take a 3 credit General Education elective course.
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
ADMN-3021Medical Office Procedures 14
This course introduces the student to the core skills and knowledge required to perform administrative support in a wide variety of medical environments. The course emphasizes the interaction of people, technology, equipment, and administrative procedures in the medical environment. The work of the medical administrative assistant is unique. It combines a high level of caring about people and attention to the day-to-day details of running an efficient and organized practice, clinic, hospital department or unit, or allied health care facility. The importance of professional ethics, privacy, and confidentiality will be highlighted throughout the course.
ADMN-3022Medical Concepts & Language 14
This course introduces the student to medical concepts, language, terminology, anatomy, and medical procedures. A basic understanding and working knowledge of the human body and the history and composition of medical language will be explored. Current issues in the medical field will be introduced and discussed. The importance of professional ethics, privacy and confidentiality will be highlighted throughout the course.
COMP-5047Medical Spreadsheet Applications3
Dive deeper into the world of spreadsheet proficiency with our advanced Excel course, the second installment in our series. This program builds upon foundational knowledge from the introductory course COMP 1100, focusing on practical skills to navigate complex data challenges efficiently. Through a combination of independent study and collaborative group work, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of advanced spreadsheet design principles and practical applications. Throughout the course, students will explore 3-D referencing, enabling seamless manipulation of data across multiple sheets. They will also learn about security features for linked sheets, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. Moreover, participants will master creating hyperlinks within workbooks and to files and websites, enhancing navigation and collaboration. Named ranges will be used to organize and manage data effectively, while advanced sorting and filtering skills facilitate insightful extraction from large datasets. As the course progresses, students will delve into data visualization, creating interactive dashboards for clear information presentation. Functions like SUBTOTAL and outline levels will streamline calculations and enhance data representation. Furthermore, participants will unlock Excel's analytical capabilities, mastering PivotTables, PivotCharts, and advanced analysis techniques. From single-variable to two-variable data tables, and from scenario analysis to Solver models, students will gain proficiency in tackling real-world analytical challenges. In essence, our advanced spreadsheet building course equips participants with practical skills to excel in today's data-driven environment. Graduates emerge as proficient Excel practitioners, ready to tackle complex data tasks with confidence.
ADMN-3002Canadian Business in the Global Economy3
Current issues and trends affecting Canadian businesses domestically and internationally will be addressed. Topics include: types of organizations; significance of global economy; effects of sociology and politics on the conduct of international business; imports, exports, and customs; the nature of business management and management as it relates to social responsibility; organizational structure; financial systems; environmental issues; free trade; marketing processes; and business plans.
ADMN-3023Patient Scheduling & Billing 13
Students will be taught electronic patient record management, scheduling, Ministry of Health billing codes, and billing methods used in various medical environments. The students will gain hands-on experience with scheduling using one particular billing software application. Professional ethics, privacy, and confidentiality will be emphasized throughout the course.
SFTY-1056General Health & Safety Field Placement0
Ontario Law requires all students who participate in unpaid placements in workplaces to complete the same mandatory training as paid employees. This course covers two of these mandatory topics; Workplace Hazardous Material Information Systems/Global Harmonized System and Worker Health and Safety Awareness.

Level 4
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
ADMN-5009Patient Scheduling & Billing 23
This course builds upon the electronic patient record management, scheduling, Ministry of Health billing codes, and billing methods learned in semester one. Hands-on electronic billing procedures will be practiced using one particular billing software application, as the skill set utilized for one specific software application is easily transferable to other billing software applications. Government legislation, provincial billing cycle, WSIB, third party billing, Veteran/Aboriginal Affairs and insurance protocols will be highlighted. Professional ethics, privacy, and confidentiality will be emphasized throughout the course.
ADMN-5008Medical Office Procedures 23
This course further develops the skills and knowledge introduced in Medical Office Procedures 1. The student will develop high-level technical, interpersonal, problem solving, critical thinking, and organizational skills required to work in today's medical office environments. The importance of professional ethics, privacy, and confidentiality will be highlighted throughout the course.
ADMN-5007Medical Concepts & Language 23
A continuation from Level 1 course. A further study of anatomy along with the history and composition of medical language will be explored in greater detail. Surgical, diagnostic and pharmaceutical studies will be introduced. The importance of professional ethics, privacy and confidentiality will be highlighted throughout the course.
COMP-5049Medical Database Management3
Managing electronic medical records is important to successful practice management. Students will use database software to create, edit, and extract data from a database. Emphasis will be on designing relational tables, queries, forms, and reports. The importance of professional ethics, privacy and confidentiality will be highlighted throughout the course.
WRKE-5002Medical Work Placement4.6
The first ten weeks of the course will be classroom-based preparing the student to apply for work placement in a medical office environment during the last four weeks of the course. This course will provide the student with practical, hands-on experience, and the opportunity to apply the theories and concepts learned in the Office Administration - Medical Program classroom. Professional ethics, privacy and confidentiality will be emphasized throughout the course.
COMP-5066Medical Transcription3
This course introduces the student to medical transcription and builds on previously acquired general transcription and keyboarding skills. The student will apply the basic medical knowledge learned in Medical Concepts & Language 1 and concurrently in Medical Concepts & Language 2 in the completion of various medical documents and records. As a transcriptionist, you are charged with the responsibility of assuring that the physician's words are recorded promptly and accurately. Accuracy, editing skills and reading/writing for understanding and meaning will be emphasized throughout the course. Advanced technology such as voice recognition systems, electronic patient records and electronic signatures directly affect the transcriptionist's role. The importance of professional ethics, privacy and confidentiality will be highlighted throughout the course.

Gen Ed - Electives
Take 3 General Education Credits -
Normally taken in Level 3

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 20 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program



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