
Registration in a program is done on a course-by-course basis each term. The expected availability of courses is displayed below but may change throughout the year. Click on the arrows below to confirm upcoming course offerings and to add a course to your online shopping cart. For assistance, please use the inquiry form on this page or call 519-452-4277.
Level 1 | ||||
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses: | ||||
Expected Availability | ||||
Credits | Fall | Winter | Summer | |
Pre-Clinical Readiness IEN PNNRSG-5041 | 3 | No | No | Yes |
This simulated clinical practice course facilitates practical nursing stream students to continue developing their holistic health assessment and nursing skills/techniques. Through simulated practice, students demonstrate application and integration of previous learning and knowledge development regarding nursing standards, and guidelines within the Registered Practice Nurse (RPN) scope of practice. In addition, students have opportunities to use the principles of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship and interprofessional collaborative client-centred practice, clinical judgment, time management, and organizational skills in simulated client scenarios. Successful completion of this course can assist students to meet the entry to practice competencies for RPN practice in Ontario and facilitate their successful transition to practicing as a RPN in Ontario healthcare settings. | ||||
Lab Practice Nursing Skills IEN PNNRSG-5031 | 3 | No | Yes | No |
This lab course provides Practical Nurse stream students with opportunities to review and apply the fundamentals of client centered nursing from a Canadian healthcare perspective. Students are expected to articulate and demonstrate the principles and knowledge underlying their nursing techniques/practice in order to develop safe and practice that adheres to their duty to provide care. Collaboration, clinical judgment, critical inquiry, problem solving, relevant health teaching and fitness to practice will be emphasized. Principles of continuous quality improvement and risk management are incorporated in relation to the performance of nursing skills and techniques. | ||||
Relational Practice IEN PNCOMM-5027 | 3 | No | Yes | No |
The course helps Practical Nursing students strengthen their relational practice in the context of Canadian nursing and health care. Through nursing knowledge, this course will focus on understanding the relationships of practicing nurses with clients, other healthcare providers, and the self. Students will explore how personal beliefs and experiences impact their practice and interactions with clients. In contrast, students will also explore how nursing impacts the self through the concepts of self-care, reflection, and conflict management. To gain an appreciation for Canadian culture, students will also be introduced to nursing ethics, seminal Canadian health policy, safety standards for the clinical setting, and the values embedded in Canadian society. | ||||
Nursing in Ontario IEN PNNRSG-5027 | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
This course introduces Practical Nurse students to professional nursing practice in Ontario and Canada by providing opportunities for students to explore the legal and ethical foundations of the nursing profession [with a focus on Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) roles/responsibilities], current issues/trends in health care, and health care delivery reform in Ontario and Canada. The roles and influences of the RPN with regard to health care policy, political process, leadership, and creating change in order to foster client and societal health are addressed. | ||||
Lab Practice Hlth Assessment IEN PNNRSG-5032 | 3 | Yes | No | No |
This course provides practical nursing stream students with opportunities to integrate and apply their health assessment clinical skills in a lab setting in preparation for professional nursing practice in Ontario. While planning and performing nursing skills and techniques, students engage in active listening and articulate the principles and knowledge underlying nursing skills/practice in order to provide care that is client centred, evidence-informed and respects the client's spiritual and cultural beliefs. Collaboration, critical inquiry, problem solving, risk management, best practice guidelines, and relevant health teaching will be emphasized from a quality improvement focus. | ||||
PharmacologyPHRM-3004 | 3 | No | No | No |
The study of drugs and their action in the human body and related nursing practice is emphasized. Key drugs or prototypes within each drug classification are identified and studied. As well, the course will focus on essential assessments, nursing interventions, specific age-related considerations and patient education for each of these drug classifications. Exercises in critical thinking in relation to use in specific health conditions will be emphasized. | ||||
Health & Transitions IEN PNNRSG-5029 | 5 | No | Yes | No |
This course enables Practical Nursing stream students to explore the concepts of health, health promotion, transitions, and the social determinants of health for individuals, families, groups, and communities in Canadian healthcare contexts. The impact of health transitions, chronic health challenges, and end-of-life care throughout the life span are explored through health promotion, health equity, and strengths-based lenses. The ways in which nurses can support individuals and families during health-illness transitions are discussed. Basic concepts of nursing research are introduced. | ||||
Nursing Informatics IEN PNNRSG-5028 | 3 | No | No | Yes |
In this course, Practical Nursing stream students are introduced to the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for information and health literacies to strengthen their competence in nursing informatics. Students explore the professional applications of information communication technologies (ICTs) in professional nursing practice at points of care, nursing administration, nursing education, and research. Students develop an understanding of the professional judgment and accountability required by nurses to maintain public trusts when using social media and ICTs. Through active learning, students determine the appropriate knowledge sources for evidence-informed nursing practice and the establishment of professional boundaries. | ||||
Healing & Episodic Health IEN PNNRSG-5030 | 5 | Yes | No | No |
This course provides opportunities for Practical Nursing stream students to explore episodic and complex health concepts across the lifespan. Utilizing evidence-informed practices, students continue to develop their understanding of individual's and families' experience during illness experiences to promote client's health and healing and to advocate for those experiencing health challenges. Collaborative practice, critical thinking, clinical judgment, health literacy, and safety principles will be emphasized as students learn about caring modalities during health challenges across the lifespan. | ||||
Preceptorship IEN PNNRSG-5035 | 9.75 | No | No | Yes |
Preceptorship assists students to transition to registered practical nursing practice in Ontario. Students have opportunities in a praxis setting to consolidate theory and practice with the guidance of a clinical mentor/preceptor. Students build upon previous learning to enhance their competence and independence in professional practice in accordance with professional standards, policies, and guidelines. During this capstone experience, students focus on strengthening their assessment skills, clinical judgment, intraprofessional and interprofessional collaboration, and developing leadership skills. At the completion of the course, the student will meet the College of Nurses of Ontario Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Registered Practical Nurses. | ||||
Clinical Experience IEN PNNRSG-5034 | 9.75 | No | No | Yes |
This professional practice course enables practical nursing stream students to apply concepts from previous courses in clinical practice settings across the health-illness continuum to provide care that is client-centred, safe, ethical, and compassionate. When planning, implementing, evaluating, and documenting client care, students use evidence informed and strengths-based approaches to develop therapeutic relationships with clients and families to optimize client health outcomes. Students have opportunities to integrate their nursing knowledge and further develop their clinical skill performance, time management, and leadership abilities. Students incorporate the principles and processes of critical thinking, critical inquiry, relational practice, risk management, priority setting, and quality improvement in the clinical practice setting. The Registered Practical Nurse's (RPN) roles and responsibilities as a member of the client's interprofessional circle of care team are emphasized. | ||||
Program Residency | ||||
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 13 credits in the Program at Fanshawe to meet the Program Residency requirement and Graduate from this Program. | ||||
What's included: