Registration in a program is done on a course-by-course basis each term. The expected availability of courses is displayed below but may change throughout the year. Click on the arrows below to confirm upcoming course offerings and to add a course to your online shopping cart. For assistance, please use the inquiry form on this page or call 519-452-4277.


Program Description

The Emergency Nursing Declaration of Academic Achievement is designed to enable nurses to gain knowledge in emergency nursing.  This program enhances the participant's problem solving, decision making abilities and technical skills in emergency nursing including; emergency departments, urgent care centres and outposting settings. Completion of this program academically prepares the nurse for the CNA Emergency Nursing Certification Exam.


Program Requirements

Level 1
Take all of the following Mandatory Courses:
Expected Availability
CreditsFall Winter Summer
System Specific Emerg Conditions AdultNRSG-60434YesNo
This course begins with life-threatening airway, breathing, circulatory and neurological emergencies. The various types of shock will be addressed in depth. Each system will be discussed including psychiatric and obstetrical emergencies. Interpretation of laboratory reports will accompany the systems approach. Special attention will be given to the geriatric population.
Paediatric & Adolescent EmergenciesNRSG-60442NoYes
This course provides opportunities for learners to develop an in-depth knowledge of the various emergencies that affect children. Specific information related to communication skills required to interview children and their parents, communicable and 'non' communicable disorders, child abuse, poisoning, and self-induced disorders such as attempted suicide, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia will be covered.
Issues in Emergency NursingNRSG-10812YesNo
This introductory course within the emergency nursing program enables learners to identify and reflect common issues. Discussion topics include: professionalism, accountability, leadership, ethical concerns, legalities, adapting to change, interdisciplinary communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, assertiveness, stress management, advocacy, cultural diversity, quality improvement and public relations. The role of the Canadian Nurses Association in specialty certification is discussed..
Clinical Foundations in Emergency CareNRSG-60422NoYes
This course addresses those aspects of Emergency nursing which contribute to its specialty status: triage, vascular access and fluid replacement, interfacility transfer and transport, abuse, neglect, assault, violence including violence in the Emergency Department, collection and preservation of evidence, pain and wound management.
Basic ECG & 12 Lead InterpretationNRSG-60553YesNo
This course is designed for health care professionals employed in acute care facilities to learn basic ECG interpretation. Content includes related anatomy and physiology, components of the cardiac cycle, arrhythmias, therapies and electrical treatment.

Program Residency
Students Must Complete a Minimum of 4 credits in this
program at Fanshawe College to meet the Program Residency
requirement and graduate from this program

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Learning outcomes

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Demonstrate competency in assessing patients of all ages in a variety of emergency settings, including priority setting.
  2. Incorporate knowledge of the physiological interrelatedness of all body systems.
  3. Recognize the legal implications involved in emergency care.
  4. Provide the essential emergency and nursing intervention required for multiple trauma patients of all ages.
  5. Recognize the emergency nurse's role within the interdisciplinary team providing emergency care.
  6. Incorporate the theory of crisis intervention to all ages and situations in the emergency department.
  7. Adapt nursing care according to phases of growth and development, especially the paediatric and geriatric patients.
  8. Recognize the necessity to adjust nursing intervention according to the psychological manifestations of the emergency patient.
  9. Anticipate the need for patient and family confidentiality in dealing with the public and its institutions.
  10. Recognize the impact of the emergency department setting on the patient and their family.
  11. Anticipate the special problems of the paediatric and adolescent patient in an emergency setting.
  12. Demonstrate competency in triaging patients according to established criteria.

Program Details

Program Code
Topic Area
Health and Nursing