As part of Fanshawe's internationalization strategy and supported by scholarships from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities. Students who study abroad on exchange develop skills which carry forward into their studies and their careers. This skill development begins even before you go abroad, during the application process! Follow these three simple steps to learn more about...
This summer, Fanshawe Global delivered customized two-week training programs focused on the areas of science, technology, engineering, sustainability and innovation to 12 teachers and 21 students from six polytechnic universities in the north-central Mexican state of Querétaro. The training was developed at the request of the Querétaro Ambassadors Scholarship, which provides study abroad...
Continue your education within Fanshawe After completing a Fanshawe program, you may be able to take credits with you into another related Fanshawe program. If you transfer through one of the advanced standing pathways we have established, you may be eligible to apply for a Pathways Scholarship for a minimum of $1,000. Current Students: Find More at MyFanshawe Explore the various pathways within...
Showcasing student work and providing an opportunity for students to network with alumni and potential employers are primary goals of the Fashion Marketing and Management program. There are several events throughout the program that are highly anticipated by both students and the community. Our graduates are confident in their event planning and presentation skills and well acquainted with the...
The Financial Aid and Student Awards Office provides financial support and advice to help students fund their college education through government and donor funding.
There are many options for education funding for indigenous students. Explore our guide for finding and applying for sponsorships, scholarships and more.
Discover the top 5 sources of student financial assistance to fund your education in Canada. Explore OSAP, student lines of credit, scholarships and more.
The College will welcome additional international students from Kenya On Saturday, November 19, Fanshawe International welcomed the 19 Kenyan delegates to tour several London Campus locations, including the Centre for Applied Transportation Technologies (Z building) and the Fanshawe Aviation Centre (Y building). The group then enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Chef's Table in Downtown London. After...
Understanding the online technology and supports for students at Fanshawe College. Learn about multi-factor authentication (MFA), single sign-on (SSO), FanshaweOnline learning management (FOL), WebAdvisor and the MyFanshawe student site.