2681 Results
Updated - May 2, 2024 at 4 p.m. Earlier today (May 2), Fanshawe students and employees along with community first responders participated in a training exercise that simulated a mass casualty incident at the College’s London Campus (1001 Fanshawe College Blvd.). The event allows for an evaluation of the College’s emergency response plan while providing a platform to evaluate Fanshawe’s Advanced...
Are you studying at Fanshawe's Downtown Campus? Find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions here!
The career training you want and flexibility you need MyPath programs are new highly-flexible, modular certificate programs designed for adult students seeking short-term, career-specific training options. Each program has multiple intakes throughout the year, meaning new MyPath students may begin their studies approximately every six to eight weeks. Esthetics | Simcoe This certificate program...
What does it mean to have a connection with nature? Professor Kari Moreland explores the benefits of biodiversity and understanding the natural world.
Our new programs at Fanshawe are specifically designed to help you prepare for a successful career that meets the demands of the labour market.
Discover the benefits of a graduate certificate and how it expands on the skills you learnt during your undergrad.
We often get asked what a graduate certificate is and if it’s the same as a Master’s degree. Find out the differences!
Choosing between a Graduate Certificate or Master's Degree can be confusing. Let us help you break down your pathway options.
10-уровневая EAP программа Колледжа Fanshawe имеет аккредитацию организации Languages Canada и соответствует языковым требованиям Университета Western, самого Fanshawe и других колледжей провинции Онтарио. Наши программа EAP и преподаватели помогут вам достигнуть уверенности и свободы в применении английского языка, а также, используя современные методы и технологии, подготовят вас к следующим...
范莎学院的EAP一共有10个级别,是经过Languages Canada 认证,并且达到了韦士墩大学(Western University) ,范莎学院和其他安省学院的语言的录取要求。范莎学院的EAP课程以及全体教授们会帮助学生获取英语语言的自信和流利使用语言的能力,也帮助学生利用最新的方法和技术为后面的继续深造做好准备。 如果你需要英语以外的语言支持,请访问我们的员工目录: https://www.fanshawec.ca/international/directory EAP课程和语言中心老师会帮助学生: 建立准确及流利使用英语的自信 运用最先进的教学方法帮助学生为下一步学业计划做好规划 Apply now 达到你的学习目标 让你置身于交互活动和练习中帮你提高英语能力 获取自信和继续学院或者大学深造的技能;/li> 学习如何在加拿大学术氛围中取得成功...